Source code for redrock.archetypes


Classes and functions for archetypes.
import os
from glob import glob
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.special

from .utils import reduced_wavelength

from .zscan import calc_zchi2_one, calc_zchi2_batch

from .rebin import trapz_rebin

from .igm import transmission_Lyman

from .zscan import per_camera_coeff_with_least_square_batch

from .templates import make_fulltype

[docs]class Archetype(): """Class to store all different archetypes from the same spectype. The archetype data are read from a redrock-format archetype file. Args: filename (str): the path to the archetype file """ def __init__(self, filename): # Load the file self._filename = filename h =, memmap=False) hdr = h['ARCHETYPES'].header self.flux = np.asarray(h['ARCHETYPES'].data['ARCHETYPE']).astype('float64') # trapz_rebin only works with 'f8' arrays self._narch = self.flux.shape[0] self._nwave = self.flux.shape[1] self._rrtype = hdr['RRTYPE'].strip() self._subtype = np.array(np.char.strip(h['ARCHETYPES'].data['SUBTYPE'].astype(str))) self._subtype = np.char.add(np.char.add(self._subtype,'_'),np.arange(self._narch,dtype=int).astype(str)) self._full_type = np.array([make_fulltype(self._rrtype, subtype) for subtype in self._subtype]) self._version = hdr['VERSION'] self.wave = np.asarray(hdr['CRVAL1'] + hdr['CDELT1']*np.arange(self.flux.shape[1])) if hdr['LOGLAM']: self.wave = 10**self.wave self.minwave = self.wave[0] self.maxwave = self.wave[-1] self._archetype = {} self._archetype['INTERP'] = np.array([None]*self._narch) for i in range(self._narch): self._archetype['INTERP'][i] = interp1d(self.wave,self.flux[i,:],fill_value='extrapolate',kind='linear') h.close() #It is much more efficient to calculate edges once if rebinning #and copy to GPU and store here rather than doing this every time self._gpuwave = None self._gpuflux = None # TODO: Allow Archetype files to specify their IGM model self.igm_model = 'Inoue14' self.method = 'ARCH' # for API symmetry with Template.method return @property def gpuwave(self): if (self._gpuwave is None): #Copy to GPU once import cupy as cp self._gpuwave = cp.asarray(self.wave) return self._gpuwave @property def gpuflux(self): if (self._gpuflux is None): #Copy to GPU once import cupy as cp self._gpuflux = cp.asarray(self.flux) return self._gpuflux @property def version(self): return self._version @property def filename(self): return self._filename #- template_type, sub_type, and full_type like Template object methods @property def template_type(self): return self._rrtype @property def sub_type(self): return self._subtype @property def full_type(self): return self._full_type
[docs] def rebin_template(self,index,z,dwave,trapz=True): """ """ if trapz: return {hs:trapz_rebin((1.+z)*self.wave, self.flux[index], wave) for hs, wave in dwave.items()} else: return {hs:self._archetype['INTERP'][index](wave/(1.+z)) for hs, wave in dwave.items()}
[docs] def rebin_template_batch(self,z,dwave,trapz=True,dedges=None,indx=None,use_gpu=False): """Rebin templates to a set of wavelengths. The templates are part of this archetype. The wavelengths can be passed as centers (dwave) or edges (dedges) of the wavelength bins. Args: z (float): the redshift dwave (dict): the keys are the "wavehash" and the values are a 1D array containing the wavelength grid. trapz (bool): Whether to use the trapz algorithm or interpolation dedges (dict): in GPU mode, use pre-computed dict of wavelength bin edges, already on GPU indx (array): Only rebin these indices in the flux array (e.g. rebin flux[indx] rather than flux[:]) use_gpu (bool): whether or not to use the GPU algorithm Returns: dict: The rebinned template """ if (use_gpu): import cupy as cp xmin = self.minwave xmax = self.maxwave wave = self.gpuwave flux = self.gpuflux else: wave = self.wave flux = self.flux if (indx is not None): flux = flux[indx] minedge = None maxedge = None result = dict() if (trapz and use_gpu and dedges is not None): #Use GPU mode with bin edges already calculated for hs, edges in dedges.items(): #Check if edges is a 1-d array or a tuple also containing scalar min/max values if type(edges) is tuple: (edges, minedge, maxedge) = edges result[hs] = trapz_rebin(wave, flux, edges=edges, use_gpu=use_gpu, myz=cp.array([z]), xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, edge_min=minedge, edge_max=maxedge)[0,:,:] return result if trapz: #Use batch mode of trapz_rebin return {hs:trapz_rebin((1.+z)*wave, flux, w, use_gpu=use_gpu) for hs, w in dwave.items()} else: for hs, w in dwave.items(): result[hs] = np.empty((len(w), self._narch)) for i in range(self._narch): result[hs][:,i] = self._archetype['INTERP'][i](w/(1.+z)) if (use_gpu): result[hs] = cp.asarray(result[hs]) #return {hs:self._archetype['INTERP'](wave/(1.+z)) for hs, wave in dwave.items()} return result
[docs] def eval(self, subtype, coeff, wave, z, R=None, legcoeff=None): """Return archetype for given subtype, coefficients, wavelengths, and redshift Args: subtype (str) : comma separated str of archetype subtype(s) coeff : array of archetype coefficients wave : wavelengths at which to evaluate template flux z : redshift at which to evaluate template flux Options: R : array[nwave,nwave] resolution matrix to convolve with model legcoeff : array of additional legendre coefficients Returns: archetype flux array Notes: No factors of (1+z) are applied to the resampled flux, i.e. evaluating the same coeffs at different z does not conserve integrated flux, but more directly maps """ subtypes = subtype.split(';') model = np.zeros(len(wave)) for this_subtype, c in zip(subtypes, coeff[0:len(subtypes)]): index = np.where(self._subtype == this_subtype)[0][0] binned_archetype = trapz_rebin((1+z)*self.wave, self.flux[index], wave) binned_archetype *= transmission_Lyman(z,wave,model=self.igm_model) model += c*binned_archetype if legcoeff is not None: deg_legendre = len(legcoeff) legendre = np.array([scipy.special.legendre(i)( reduced_wavelength(wave) ) for i in range(deg_legendre)]) model += if R is not None: model = return model
[docs] def nearest_neighbour_model(self, target,weights,flux,wflux,dwave,z, n_nearest, zzchi2, trans, per_camera, dedges=None, binned=None, use_gpu=False, prior=None, ncam=None): """Nearest neighbour archetype approach; fitting with a combinating of nearest archetypes in chi2 space Args: target (Target): the target object that contains spectra weights (array): concatenated spectral weights (ivar). flux (array): concatenated flux values. wflux (array): concatenated weighted flux values. dwave (dict): dictionary of wavelength grids z (float): best redshift n_nearest (int): number of nearest neighbours to be used in chi2 space (including best archetype) zchi2 (array); chi2 array for all archetypes trans (dict); dictionary of transmission Ly-a arrays per_camera (bool): If True model will be solved in each camera dedges (dict): in GPU mode, use pre-computed dict of wavelength bin edges, already on GPU binned (dict): already computed dictionary of rebinned fluxes use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not prior (2d array): prior matrix on coefficients (1/sig**2) ncam (int): Number of camera for given Instrument Returns: chi2 (float): chi2 of best fit model zcoeff (array): zcoeff of best fit model fulltype (str): fulltype of best archetypes """ #trans and dedges only need to be passed if binned is not as binned already #is multiplied by trans in get_best_archetype spectra = target.spectra nleg = target.nleg legendre = target.legendre(nleg=nleg, use_gpu=False) #Get previously calculated legendre nleg = legendre[list(legendre.keys())[0]].shape[0] iBest = np.argsort(zzchi2)[0:n_nearest] tdata = dict() if (binned is not None): if (use_gpu): binned = { hs:binned[hs][:,iBest].get() for hs in binned } else: binned = { hs:binned[hs][:,iBest] for hs in binned } else: binned = self.rebin_template_batch(z, dwave, trapz=True, dedges=dedges, indx=iBest, use_gpu=use_gpu) for hs, w in dwave.items(): if (use_gpu): binned[hs] = binned[hs].get() if (trans[hs] is not None): #Only multiply if trans[hs] is not None #Both arrays are on CPU so no need to wrap with asarray binned[hs] *= trans[hs][:,None] for hs, w in dwave.items(): tdata[hs] = binned[hs][None,:,:] if (nleg > 0): tdata[hs] = np.append(tdata[hs], legendre[hs].transpose()[None,:,:], axis=2) nbasis = tdata[hs].shape[2] if per_camera: #Use CPU mode since small tdata (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = per_camera_coeff_with_least_square_batch(target, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, nleg, 1, method='bvls', n_nbh=n_nearest, prior=prior, use_gpu=False, bands=target.bands) else: #Use CPU mode for calc_zchi2 since small tdata (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, 1, nbasis, use_gpu=False) sstype = ['%s'%(self._subtype[k]) for k in iBest] # subtypes of best archetypes fsstype = ';'.join(sstype) #print(sstype) #print(z, zzchi2, zzcoeff, fsstype) return zzchi2[0], zzcoeff[0], make_fulltype(self._rrtype, fsstype)
[docs] def get_best_archetype(self,target,weights,flux,wflux,dwave,z, per_camera, n_nearest, trans=None, solve_method='bvls', prior=None, use_gpu=False): """Get the best archetype for the given redshift and spectype. Args: target (object): target object. weights (array): concatenated spectral weights (ivar). flux (array): concatenated flux values. wflux (array): concatenated weighted flux values. dwave (dict): dictionary of wavelength grids z (float): best redshift per_camera (bool): True if fitting needs to be done in each camera n_nearest (int): number of nearest neighbours to be used in chi2 space (including best archetype) trans (dict): pass previously calcualated Lyman transmission instead of recalculating solve_method (string): bvls or pca prior (2d array): prior matrix on coefficients (1/sig**2) use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not Returns: chi2 (float): chi2 of best archetype zcoef (array): zcoeff of best archetype fulltype (str): fulltype of best archetype """ spectra = target.spectra nleg = target.nleg legendre = target.legendre(nleg=nleg, use_gpu=use_gpu) #Get previously calculated legendre bands = target.bands #Select np or cp for operations as arrtype if (use_gpu): import cupy as cp arrtype = cp #Get CuPy arrays of weights, flux, wflux #These are created on the first call of gpu_spectral_data() for a #target and stored. They are retrieved on subsequent calls. (gpuweights, gpuflux, gpuwflux) = target.gpu_spectral_data() # Build dictionaries of wavelength bin edges, min/max, and centers dedges = { s.wavehash:(s.gpuedges, s.minedge, s.maxedge) for s in spectra } else: arrtype = np dedges = None if per_camera: ncam=len(list(dwave.keys())) # for e.g., DESI has three cameras namely b, r, z else: ncam = 1 # entire spectra #wkeys = list(dwave.keys()) #new_keys = [wkeys[0], wkeys[2], wkeys[1]] #obs_wave = np.concatenate([dwave[key] for key in new_keys]) nleg = legendre[list(legendre.keys())[0]].shape[0] zzchi2 = np.zeros(self._narch, dtype=np.float64) zzcoeff = np.zeros((self._narch, 1+ncam*(nleg)), dtype=np.float64) #TODO: return best fit model as well #zzmodel = np.zeros((self._narch, obs_wave.size), dtype=np.float64) if (trans is None): #Calculate Lyman transmission if not passed as dict trans = { hs:transmission_Lyman(z,w, use_gpu=False, model=self.igm_model) for hs, w in dwave.items() } else: #Use previously calculated Lyman transmission for hs in trans: if (trans[hs] is not None): trans[hs] = trans[hs][0,:] #Rebin in batch binned = self.rebin_template_batch(z, dwave, trapz=True, dedges=dedges, use_gpu=use_gpu) tdata = dict() nbasis = 1 ## Prior must be redefined to remove nearest neighbour approach, # because prior was defined based on n_nearest argument.. # this logic is needed because the first fitting is done with just one archetype #and then nearest neighbour approach is implemented if n_nearest is not None: nnearest_prior = prior.copy() # prior corresponding to nearest_nbh method prior = prior[n_nearest-1:,][:,n_nearest-1:] # removing first rows/columns corresponding to the nearest_archetypes, and keeping just one row for one archetype for hs, wave in dwave.items(): if (trans[hs] is not None): #Only multiply if trans[hs] is not None binned[hs] *= arrtype.asarray(trans[hs][:,None]) #Create 3-d tdata with narch x nwave x nbasis where nbasis = 1+nleg if nleg > 0: tdata[hs] = arrtype.append(binned[hs].transpose()[:,:,None], arrtype.tile(arrtype.asarray(legendre[hs]).transpose()[None,:,:], (self._narch, 1, 1)), axis=2) else: tdata[hs] = binned[hs].transpose()[:,:,None] nbasis = tdata[hs].shape[2] if per_camera: if (use_gpu): (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = per_camera_coeff_with_least_square_batch(target, tdata, gpuweights, gpuflux, gpuwflux, nleg, self._narch, method=solve_method, n_nbh=1, prior=prior, use_gpu=use_gpu, bands=bands) else: (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = per_camera_coeff_with_least_square_batch(target, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, nleg, self._narch, method=solve_method, n_nbh=1, prior=prior, use_gpu=use_gpu, bands=bands) else: if (use_gpu): (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata, gpuweights, gpuflux, gpuwflux, self._narch, nbasis, use_gpu=use_gpu) else: (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, self._narch, nbasis, use_gpu=use_gpu) if n_nearest is not None: best_chi2, best_coeff, best_fulltype = self.nearest_neighbour_model(target,weights,flux,wflux,dwave,z, n_nearest, zzchi2, trans, per_camera, dedges=dedges, binned=binned, use_gpu=use_gpu, prior=nnearest_prior, ncam=ncam) #print(best_chi2, best_coeff, best_fulltype) return best_chi2, best_coeff, best_fulltype else: iBest = np.argmin(zzchi2) #print(z, zzchi2[iBest], zzcoeff[iBest], self._full_type[iBest]) return zzchi2[iBest], zzcoeff[iBest], self._full_type[iBest]
[docs]class All_archetypes(): """Class to store all different archetypes of all the different spectype. Args: lstfilename (lst str): List of file to get the templates from archetypes_dir (str): Directory to the archetypes """ def __init__(self, lstfilename=None, archetypes_dir=None, verbose=False): # Get list of path to archetype if lstfilename is None: lstfilename = find_archetypes(archetypes_dir) # Load archetype self.archetypes = {} for f in lstfilename: archetype = Archetype(f) if verbose: print('DEBUG: Found {} archetypes for SPECTYPE {} in file {}'.format(archetype._narch, archetype._rrtype, f) ) self.archetypes[archetype._rrtype] = archetype return
[docs]def split_archetype_coeff(subtype, coeff, nbands, nleg=None): """ Split coeff array into archetype + legendre terms Args: subtype (str): comma separated archetype subtypes coeff (array): coefficients from redrock fit nbands (int): number of spectrograph bands (e.g. 3 for DESI b/r/z) Options nleg (int): number of legendre terms per band Returns (archcoeff, legcoeff) where archcoeff is array of archetype coefficients for each subtype, and legcoeff is list of legendre coefficients per band. If nleg is None, it will be derived from counting non-zero terms of coeff. Expected length of non-zero coeffs is num_subtypes + nbands*nleg. """ narchetypes = len(subtype.split(';')) archcoeff = coeff[0:narchetypes] all_legcoeff = coeff[narchetypes:] if nleg is None: # derive number of legendre coefficients used from non-zero terms nleg = np.count_nonzero(all_legcoeff) // nbands legcoeff = [all_legcoeff[i*nleg:(i+1)*nleg] for i in range(nbands)] return archcoeff, legcoeff
[docs]def find_archetypes(archetypes_dir=None): """Return list of rrarchetype-\*.fits archetype files Search directories in this order, returning results from first one found: - archetypes_dir - $RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR - <redrock_code>/archetypes/ Args: archetypes_dir (str): optional directory containing the archetypes. Returns: list: a list of archetype files. """ if archetypes_dir is None: if 'RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR' in os.environ: archetypes_dir = os.environ['RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR'] else: thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) archdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(thisdir), 'archetypes') if os.path.exists(archdir): archetypes_dir = archdir else: raise IOError("ERROR: can't find archetypes_dir, $RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR, or {rrcode}/archetypes/") lstfilename = sorted(glob(os.path.join(archetypes_dir, 'rrarchetype-*.fits'))) else: if os.path.isfile(archetypes_dir): lstfilename = [archetypes_dir] else: archetypes_dir_expand = os.path.expandvars(archetypes_dir) lstfilename = glob(os.path.join(archetypes_dir_expand, 'rrarchetype-*.fits')) lstfilename = sorted([ f.replace(archetypes_dir_expand,archetypes_dir) for f in lstfilename]) return lstfilename