Source code for redrock.fitz


Functions for fitting minima of chi^2 results.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants

from . import constants

from .rebin import rebin_template

from .zscan import calc_zchi2_one, spectral_data, calc_zchi2_batch
from .zscan import calc_negOII_penalty

from .zwarning import ZWarningMask as ZW

from .igm import transmission_Lyman

[docs]def get_dv(z, zref): """Returns velocity difference in km/s for two redshifts Args: z (float): redshift for comparison. zref (float): reference redshift. Returns: (float): the velocity difference. """ c = (scipy.constants.speed_of_light/1000.) #- km/s dv = c * (z - zref) / (1.0 + zref) return dv
[docs]def find_minima(x): """Return indices of local minima of x, including edges. The indices are sorted small to large. Note: this is somewhat conservative in the case of repeated values: find_minima([1,1,1,2,2,2]) -> [0,1,2,4,5] Args: x (array-like): The data array. Returns: (array): The indices. """ x = np.asarray(x) ii = np.where(np.r_[True, x[1:]<=x[:-1]] & np.r_[x[:-1]<=x[1:], True])[0] jj = np.argsort(x[ii]) return ii[jj]
[docs]def minfit(x, y): """Fits y = y0 + ((x-x0)/xerr)**2 See redrock.zwarning.ZWarningMask.BAD_MINFIT for zwarn failure flags Args: x (array): x values. y (array): y values. Returns: (tuple): (x0, xerr, y0, zwarn) where zwarn=0 is good fit. """ if len(x) < 3: return (-1,-1,-1,ZW.BAD_MINFIT) try: #- y = a x^2 + b x + c a,b,c = np.polyfit(x,y,2) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return (-1,-1,-1,ZW.BAD_MINFIT) if a == 0.0: return (-1,-1,-1,ZW.BAD_MINFIT) #- recast as y = y0 + ((x-x0)/xerr)^2 x0 = -b / (2*a) y0 = -(b**2) / (4*a) + c zwarn = 0 if (x0 <= np.min(x)) or (np.max(x) <= x0): zwarn |= ZW.BAD_MINFIT if (y0<=0.): zwarn |= ZW.BAD_MINFIT if a > 0.0: xerr = 1 / np.sqrt(a) else: xerr = 1 / np.sqrt(-a) zwarn |= ZW.BAD_MINFIT return (x0, xerr, y0, zwarn)
[docs]def prior_on_coeffs(n_nbh, deg_legendre, sigma, ncamera): """ Args: n_nbh (int): number of dominant archetypes deg_legendre (int): number of Legendre polynomials sigma (int): prior sigma to be used for archetype fitting ncamera (int): number of cameras for given instrument Returns: 2d array to be added while solving for archetype fitting """ nbasis = n_nbh+deg_legendre*ncamera # 3 desi cameras prior = np.zeros((nbasis, nbasis), dtype='float64');np.fill_diagonal(prior, 1/(sigma**2)) for i in range(n_nbh): prior[i][i]=0. ## Do not add prior to the archetypes, added only to the Legendre polynomials return prior
[docs]def fitz(zchi2, redshifts, target, template, nminima=3, archetype=None, use_gpu=False, deg_legendre=None, zminfit_npoints=15, per_camera=False, n_nearest=None, prior_sigma=None): """Refines redshift measurement around up to nminima minima. TODO: if there are fewer than nminima minima, consider padding. Args: zchi2 (array): chi^2 values for each redshift. redshifts (array): the redshift values. target (Target): the target for this fit which includes a list of Spectrum objects at different wavelength grids. template (Template): the template for this fit. nminima (int): the number of minima to consider. archetype (object, optional): A single Archetype object (of given spectype) to use for final fitz choice of best chi2 vs. z minimum. use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not deg_legendre (int): in archetype mode polynomials upto deg_legendre-1 will be used zminfit_npoints (int): number of finer redshift pixels to search for final redshift - default 15 per_camera: (bool): True if fitting needs to be done in each camera for archetype mode n_nearest: (int): number of nearest neighbours to be used in chi2 space (including best archetype) prior_sigma (float): prior to add in the final solution matrix: added as 1/(prior_sigma**2) only for per-camera mode Returns: Table: the fit parameters for the minima. """ assert len(zchi2) == len(redshifts) #Import cupy locally if using GPU if (use_gpu): import cupy as cp nbasis = template.nbasis spectra = target.spectra # Build dictionary of wavelength grids dwave = { s.wavehash:s.wave for s in spectra } (weights, flux, wflux) = spectral_data(spectra) if (use_gpu): #Get CuPy arrays of weights, flux, wflux #These are created on the first call of gpu_spectral_data() for a #target and stored. They are retrieved on subsequent calls. (gpuweights, gpuflux, gpuwflux) = target.gpu_spectral_data() # Build dictionaries of wavelength bin edges, min/max, and centers gpuedges = { s.wavehash:(s.gpuedges, s.minedge, s.maxedge) for s in spectra } gpudwave = { s.wavehash:s.gpuwave for s in spectra } if not archetype is None: #legendre = legendre_calculate(deg_legendre, dwave=dwave) legendre = target.legendre(deg_legendre) results = list() #Moved default nz to arg list if (zminfit_npoints is None): nz = 15 else: nz = zminfit_npoints if template.template_type == 'STAR': max_velo_diff = constants.max_velo_diff_star else: max_velo_diff = constants.max_velo_diff for imin in find_minima(zchi2): if len(results) == nminima: break #- Skip this minimum if it is within max_velo_diff km/s of a # previous one dv is in km/s zprev = np.array([tmp['z'] for tmp in results]) dv = get_dv(z=redshifts[imin],zref=zprev) if np.any(np.abs(dv) < max_velo_diff): continue #- Sample more finely around the minimum ilo = max(0, imin-1) ihi = min(imin+1, len(zchi2)-1) zz = np.linspace(redshifts[ilo], redshifts[ihi], nz) if (use_gpu): #Create a redshift grid on the GPU as well gpuzz = cp.asarray(zz) zzchi2 = np.zeros(nz, dtype=np.float64) zzcoeff = np.zeros((nz, nbasis), dtype=np.float64) #Calculate xmin and xmax from template and zz array on CPU and #pass as scalars xmin = template.minwave*(1+zz.max()) xmax = template.maxwave*(1+zz.min()) #Use batch mode for rebin_template, transmission_Lyman, and calc_zchi2 if (use_gpu): #Use gpuedges already calculated and on GPU binned = rebin_template(template, gpuzz, dedges=gpuedges, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) else: #Use numpy CPU arrays binned = rebin_template(template, zz, dwave, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) # Correct spectra for Lyman-series for k in list(dwave.keys()): #New algorithm accepts all z as an array and returns T, a 2-d # matrix (nz, nlambda) as a cupy or numpy array T = transmission_Lyman(zz,dwave[k], use_gpu=use_gpu, always_return_array=False, model=template.igm_model) if (T is None): #Return value of None means that wavelenght regime #does not overlap Lyman transmission - continue here continue #Vectorize multiplication binned[k] *= T[:,:,None] if (use_gpu): #Use gpu arrays for weights, flux, wflux (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, binned, gpuweights, gpuflux, gpuwflux, nz, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=template.solve_matrices_algorithm, use_gpu=use_gpu) else: #Use numpy CPU arrays for weights, flux, wflux (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, binned, weights, flux, wflux, nz, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=template.solve_matrices_algorithm, use_gpu=use_gpu) #- Penalize chi2 for negative [OII] flux; ad-hoc if hasattr(template, 'OIItemplate'): zzchi2 += calc_negOII_penalty(template.OIItemplate, zzcoeff) #- fit parabola to 3 points around minimum i = min(max(np.argmin(zzchi2),1), len(zz)-2) zmin, sigma, chi2min, zwarn = minfit(zz[i-1:i+2], zzchi2[i-1:i+2]) #trans = dict() trans = { hs:None for hs, w in dwave.items() } #define trans with keys and None values try: #Calculate xmin and xmax from template and pass as scalars xmin = template.minwave*(1+zmin) xmax = template.maxwave*(1+zmin) if (use_gpu): #Use gpuedges already calculated and on GPU binned = rebin_template(template, cp.array([zmin]), dedges=gpuedges, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) else: binned = rebin_template(template, np.array([zmin]), dwave, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) for k in list(dwave.keys()): if (use_gpu): #Copy binned[k] back to CPU to perform next steps on CPU #because faster with only 1 redshift binned[k] = binned[k].get() #Use CPU always T = transmission_Lyman(np.array([zmin]),dwave[k], use_gpu=False, always_return_array=False, model=template.igm_model) trans[k] = T if (T is None): #Return value of None means that wavelenght regime #does not overlap Lyman transmission - continue here continue #Vectorize multiplication binned[k] *= T[:,:,None] #Use CPU always with one redshift (chi2, coeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, binned, weights, flux, wflux, 1, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=template.solve_matrices_algorithm, use_gpu=False) coeff = coeff[0,:] except ValueError as err: if zmin<redshifts[0] or redshifts[-1]<zmin: #- beyond redshift range can be invalid for template coeff = np.zeros(template.nbasis) zwarn |= ZW.Z_FITLIMIT zwarn |= ZW.BAD_MINFIT else: #- Unknown problem; re-raise error raise err zbest = zmin zerr = sigma #- parabola minimum outside fit range; replace with min of scan if zbest < zz[0] or zbest > zz[-1]: zwarn |= ZW.BAD_MINFIT imin = np.where(zzchi2 == np.min(zzchi2))[0][0] zbest = zz[imin] chi2min = zzchi2[imin] #- Initial minimum or best fit too close to edge of redshift range if zbest < redshifts[1] or zbest > redshifts[-2]: zwarn |= ZW.Z_FITLIMIT if zmin < redshifts[1] or zmin > redshifts[-2]: zwarn |= ZW.Z_FITLIMIT #- Skip this better defined minimum if it is within #- max_velo_diff km/s of a previous one zprev = np.array([tmp['z'] for tmp in results]) dv = get_dv(z=zbest, zref=zprev) if np.any(np.abs(dv) < max_velo_diff): continue if archetype is None: results.append(dict(z=zbest, zerr=zerr, zwarn=zwarn, chi2=chi2min, zz=zz, zzchi2=zzchi2, coeff=coeff, fitmethod=template.method)) else: if prior_sigma is not None: if per_camera: ncamera = len(list(dwave.keys())) # number of cameras, for e.g. DESI has three cameras else: ncamera = 1 if n_nearest is None: prior = prior_on_coeffs(1, deg_legendre, prior_sigma, ncamera) else: prior = prior_on_coeffs(n_nearest, deg_legendre, prior_sigma, ncamera) else: prior=None chi2min, coeff, fulltype = archetype.get_best_archetype(target,weights,flux,wflux,dwave,zbest, per_camera, n_nearest, trans=trans, use_gpu=use_gpu, prior=prior) del trans results.append(dict(z=zbest, zerr=zerr, zwarn=zwarn, chi2=chi2min, zz=zz, zzchi2=zzchi2, coeff=coeff, fulltype=fulltype, fitmethod=archetype.method)) #- Sort results by chi2min; detailed fits may have changed order ii = np.argsort([tmp['chi2'] for tmp in results]) results = [results[i] for i in ii] assert len(results) > 0 #- Convert list of dicts -> Table #from astropy.table import Table #results = Table(results) # astropy Table is really slow, Finalizing is 8x faster # using dict of np arrays #Move npixels summation here from for i in range(len(results)): results[i]['npixels'] = 0 for s in spectra: results[i]['npixels'] += (s.ivar>0.).sum() #Create dict here. np.vstack essentially does the same thing #as putting in an astropy Table -> results is converted from #a list of dicts of scalars and 1d arrays to a single dict #with 1d and 2d np arrays. tmp = dict() for k in results[0].keys(): tmp[k] = list() for i in range(len(results)): tmp[k].append(results[i][k]) tmp[k] = np.vstack(tmp[k]) results = tmp return results