Source code for redrock.priors


Classes and functions for priors.

from import fits
import os
import numpy as np

[docs]class Priors(): """Class to store all different redshift priors. Args: filename (str): the path to the redshift prior file. Note: The file should have at least one HDU with EXTNAME='PRIORS', composed of: * TARGETID: the id of the object * Z: the mean of the prior * SIGMA: the sigma (in dz) for the prior """ def __init__(self, filename): print('Using priors') print(f'read {filename}') h =, memmap=False) targetid = h['PRIORS'].data['TARGETID'] z = h['PRIORS'].data['Z'] sigma = h['PRIORS'].data['SIGMA'] self._param = { targetid[i]:{'Z':z[i], 'SIGMA':sigma[i]} for i in range(z.size) } h.close() self._type = h['PRIORS'].data['FUNCTION'][0] self._func = getattr(self,self._type) return
[docs] def eval(self, targetid, z): """Return prior contribution to the chi2 for the given TARGETID and redshift grid Args: targetid : TARGETID of the object z : redshift at which to evaluate template flux Returns: prior values on the redshift grid """ try: z0 = self._param[targetid]['Z'] s0 = self._param[targetid]['SIGMA'] return self._func(z,z0,s0) except KeyError: print(f'targetid {targetid} not in priors') return 0.
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian(z,z0,s0): """Return a Gaussian prior of mean z0 and sigma s0 on the grid z Args: z : redshift grid z0 : mean s0 : sigma Returns: prior values on the redshift grid """ return ((z-z0)/s0)**2
[docs] @staticmethod def lorentzien(z,z0,s0): """Return a Lorentzien prior of mean z0 and sigma s0 on the grid z Args: z : redshift grid z0 : mean s0 : sigma Returns: prior values on the redshift grid """ return -2*np.log(1/(1.+((z-z0)/s0)**2))
[docs] @staticmethod def tophat(z, z0, s0): """Return a tophat prior of mean z0 and width s0 on the grid z. Args: z : redshift grid z0 : mean s0 : width Returns: prior values on the redshift grid. Warning: * np.NaN <= np.NaN -> False * np.NaN <=/>= 0.0 -> False * np.inf >= 0.0 -> True * np.inf >= np.inf -> True Todo: * We need to use np.Nan value and not 1e10 value outside the prior to avoid the case where they are only one or two minima in the tophat since otherwise the second/third minima will be selected outside the prior * Cannot use np.inf value for that since np.inf <= np.inf is True ... * Need to had np.inf value in the left and right of the tophat in the case where the minima is the first or the last point ! """ prior = np.where(np.abs(z - z0) < s0/2, 0., np.NaN) index_left, index_right = np.argwhere(prior>=0.0)[0], np.argwhere(prior>=0.0)[-1] if index_left == 0: prior[index_left] = np.inf else: prior[index_left - 1] = np.inf if index_right == (prior.size -1): prior[index_right] = np.inf else: prior[index_right + 1] = np.inf return prior