Source code for redrock.rebin


Tools for binning data.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
import numba

#Since CUPY import is moved, vars block_size and cuda_source will always be
#set but this should cost no real time.
block_size = 512 #Default block size, should work on all modern nVidia GPUs

# cuda_source contains raw CUDA kernels to be loaded as CUPY module
cuda_source = r'''
        extern "C" {
            __global__ void batch_trapz_rebin(const double* x, const double* y, const double* edges, const double* myz, const long* idx, double* result, int nz, int nbin, int nbasis, int nt) {
                // This kernel performs a trapezoidal rebinning for all
                // redshifts and all bases of a template with either evenly
                // or unevenly spaced input wavelength grid (QSOs).
                //** Args:
                //       x = input x values (1-d array)
                //       y = input y values (2-d array containing all bases)
                //       edges = edges of each output bin
                //       myz = array of redshifts
                //       idx = index in input x for each boundray of output
                //           bins (2d array, nbin+1 x nz)
                //       nz, nbin, nbasis, nt = array dimensions
                //** Returns:
                //       result = 3d array (nz x nbin x nbasis)

                const int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; //thread index i - corresponds to the output array index
                if (i >= nz*nbin*nbasis) return;

                double area = 0; //define a local var to accumulate
                double yedge = 0;
                double r = 0;
                double ylo, yhi;

                //ibasis, ibin, iz = index in 3d representation of output tb array
                int ibasis = i % nbasis;
                int ibin = (i % (nbasis*nbin)) / nbasis;
                //*** Uncomment the two lines below to swap out dimensional order of output to (nz, nbasis, nbin)
                //int ibin = i % nbin;
                //int ibasis = (i % (nbasis*nbin)) / nbin; //do all bins for each basis first
                int iz = i / (nbasis*nbin);
                //idx array is used rather than calculating the start and end
                //indices of input wavelengths contributing to each output bin
                int iidx = i / nbasis + iz; //idx = nbin+1 x nz so have to add iz

                //create local vars for (1+z) and wavelength stride
                double z = (1+myz[iz]);

                //Calculate first sample beyond this bin edge
                int j = idx[iidx];
                int end_idx = idx[iidx+1];
                double xj = x[j]*z;
                double xj1 = x[j-1]*z;
                int y_idx = j+ibasis*nt;

                // - What is the y value where the interpolation crossed the edge?
                yedge = y[y_idx-1] + (edges[ibin]-xj1) * (y[y_idx]-y[y_idx-1]) / (xj-xj1);

                //r = yedge;
                // - Is this sample inside this bin?
                if (xj < edges[ibin+1]) {
                    area = 0.5 * (y[y_idx] + yedge) * (xj - edges[ibin]);
                    r += area;

                    //- Continue with interior bins
                    while (j+1 < end_idx) {
                        xj = x[j]*z;
                        xj1 = x[j-1]*z;
                        area = 0.5 * (y[y_idx] + y[y_idx-1]) * (xj - xj1);
                        r += area;
                    //- Next sample will be outside this bin; handle upper edge
                    yedge = y[y_idx] + (edges[ibin+1]-xj) * (y[y_idx+1]-y[y_idx]) / (x[j+1]*z-xj);
                    area = 0.5 * (yedge + y[y_idx]) * (edges[ibin+1] - xj);
                    r += area;
                } else {
                    //- Otherwise the samples span over this bin
                    ylo = y[y_idx] + (edges[ibin]-xj) * (y[y_idx] - y[y_idx-1]) / (xj - xj1);
                    yhi = y[y_idx] + (edges[ibin+1]-xj) * (y[y_idx] - y[y_idx-1]) / (xj - xj1);
                    area = 0.5 * (ylo+yhi) * (edges[ibin+1]-edges[ibin]);
                    r += area;
                result[i] = r / (edges[ibin+1]-edges[ibin]);

[docs]def centers2edges(centers): """Convert bin centers to bin edges, guessing at what you probably meant Args: centers (array): bin centers, Returns: array: bin edges, lenth = len(centers) + 1 """ centers = np.asarray(centers) edges = np.zeros(len(centers)+1) #- Interior edges are just points half way between bin centers edges[1:-1] = (centers[0:-1] + centers[1:]) / 2.0 #- edge edges are extrapolation of interior bin sizes edges[0] = centers[0] - (centers[1]-edges[1]) edges[-1] = centers[-1] + (centers[-1]-edges[-2]) return edges
# This code is purposely written in a very "C-like" way. The logic # being that it may help numba optimization and also makes it easier # if it ever needs to be ported to Cython. Actually Cython versions # of this code have already been tested and shown to perform no better # than numba on Intel haswell and KNL architectures. @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _trapz_rebin_1d(x, y, edges, results): ''' Numba-friendly version of trapezoidal rebinning See redrock.rebin.trapz_rebin() for input descriptions. `results` is pre-allocated array of length len(edges)-1 to keep results ''' nbin = len(edges) - 1 i = 0 #- index counter for output j = 0 #- index counter for inputs yedge = 0.0 area = 0.0 while i < nbin: #- Seek next sample beyond bin edge while x[j] <= edges[i]: j += 1 #- What is the y value where the interpolation crossed the edge? yedge = y[j-1] + (edges[i]-x[j-1]) * (y[j]-y[j-1]) / (x[j]-x[j-1]) #- Is this sample inside this bin? if x[j] < edges[i+1]: area = 0.5 * (y[j] + yedge) * (x[j] - edges[i]) results[i] += area #- Continue with interior bins while x[j+1] < edges[i+1]: j += 1 area = 0.5 * (y[j] + y[j-1]) * (x[j] - x[j-1]) results[i] += area #- Next sample will be outside this bin; handle upper edge yedge = y[j] + (edges[i+1]-x[j]) * (y[j+1]-y[j]) / (x[j+1]-x[j]) area = 0.5 * (yedge + y[j]) * (edges[i+1] - x[j]) results[i] += area #- Otherwise the samples span over this bin else: ylo = y[j] + (edges[i]-x[j]) * (y[j] - y[j-1]) / (x[j] - x[j-1]) yhi = y[j] + (edges[i+1]-x[j]) * (y[j] - y[j-1]) / (x[j] - x[j-1]) area = 0.5 * (ylo+yhi) * (edges[i+1]-edges[i]) results[i] += area i += 1 for i in range(nbin): results[i] /= edges[i+1] - edges[i] return @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _trapz_rebin_batch(x, y, edges, myz, results, redshifted_x): ''' Numba-friendly version of trapezoidal rebinning for multiple bases and/or redshifts. This is a wrapper to call _trapz_rebin_1d multiple times. See redrock.rebin.trapz_rebin() for input descriptions. `results` is pre-allocated array of shape (nz, len(edges)-1, nbasis) to keep results. ''' #If myz is numpy array, process all redshifts and all bases (one at #a time) and collect results in dict of 3-d numpy arrays nz = len(myz) nbasis = y.shape[0] nx = len(x) iz = 0 #index counter for redshifts while iz < nz: ##Numba does not handle vectorized multiplication so we need to # use loop here to multiply by redshift for i in range(nx): redshifted_x[i] = x[i]*(1.+myz[iz]) ibasis = 0 #index counter for bases while ibasis < nbasis: ## * Uncomment the line below to change output shape * ## ##_trapz_rebin_1d(redshifted_x, y[ibasis], edges, results[iz, ibasis]) _trapz_rebin_1d(redshifted_x, y[ibasis], edges, results[iz, :, ibasis]) ibasis += 1 iz += 1 return
[docs]def trapz_rebin(x, y, xnew=None, edges=None, myz=None, use_gpu=False, xmin=None, xmax=None, edge_min=None, edge_max=None): """Rebin y(x) flux density using trapezoidal integration between bin edges Optionally use GPU helper method to rebin in batch, see trapz_rebin_batch_gpu Note - current return array shape is (nz, nbins, nbasis). Changing to (nz, nbasis, nbins) would intuitively make sense but the former shape is needed by zscan. Flagging this for possible changes down the road. Notes: y is interpreted as a density, as is the output, e.g. >>> x = np.arange(10) >>> y = np.ones(10) >>> trapz_rebin(x, y, edges=[0,2,4,6,8]) #- density still 1, not 2 array([ 1., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> y = np.ones((2,10)) #nbasis = 2 >>> y[1,:] = np.arange(10) >>> trapz_rebin(x, y, edges=[0,2,4,6,8], use_gpu=True) #nbasis=2, GPU mode array([[1., 1.], [1., 3.], [1., 5.], [1., 7.]]) >>> trapz_rebin(x, y, edges=[0,2,4,6,8], myz=[0,0.5],use_gpu=True) #nbasis=2, multiple redshifts, GPU mode array([[[1. , 1. ], [1. , 3. ], [1. , 5. ], [1. , 7. ]], [[1. , 0.66666667], [1. , 2. ], [1. , 3.33333333], [1. , 4.66666667]]]) >>> trapz_rebin(x, y, edges=[0,2,4,6,8], myz=[0.0,0.5], use_gpu=False) #nbasis=2, CPU mode array([[[1. , 1. ], [1. , 3. ], [1. , 5. ], [1. , 7. ]], [[1. , 0.66666667], [1. , 2. ], [1. , 3.33333333], [1. , 4.66666667]]]) Args: x (array): input x values. y (1-d or 2-d array): input y values (batch mode allows 2-d array with multiple bases). edges (array): (optional) new bin edges. myz (array): (optional) redshift array to rebin in batch, applying redshifts on-the-fly to x use_gpu (boolean): whether or not to use GPU algorithm xmin (float): (optional) minimum x-value - x[0]*(1+myz.max()) will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where x is a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain xmax (float) (optional) maximum x-value - x[-1]*(1+myz.min()) will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where x is a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain edge_min (float): (optional) minimum new bin edge - edges[0] will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where edges is precomputed on the GPU as a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain edge_max (float): (optional) maximum new bin edge - edges[-1] will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where edges is precomputed on the GPU as a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain Returns: array: integrated results with len(results) = len(edges)-1 In batch mode, returns np.array (use_gpu=False) or cp.array (use_gpu=True) with shape (nz, nbin, nbasis) where nbin = len(results) = len(edges)-1 if myz is None or myz is a scalar, the nz dimension will be omitted. If y is 1-d then the nbasis dimension will be omitted. e.g. for 1-d y and nz = 100, the shape will be (100, nbin) while for y with shape (1, n) the result will be (100, nbin, 1). For 1-d input y and scalar or omitted myz, the shape will be (nbin). Raises: ValueError: if edges are outside the range of x or if len(x) != len(y) """ if use_gpu: import cupy as cp if edges is None: edges = centers2edges(xnew) elif use_gpu: if type(edges) != cp.ndarray: edges = np.asarray(edges) else: edges = np.asarray(edges) nbins = len(edges)-1 #Set edge_min and edge_max if not passed as input if edge_min is None: edge_min = edges[0] if edge_max is None: edge_max = edges[-1] #Use these booleans to determine output array shape based on input scalar_z = False scalar_basis = False if (myz is None): myz = np.array([0], dtype=np.float64) scalar_z = True elif (np.isscalar(myz)): myz = np.array([myz], dtype=np.float64) scalar_z = True elif (use_gpu): if (type(myz) != cp.ndarray): myz = np.asarray(myz, dtype=np.float64) else: myz = np.asarray(myz, dtype=np.float64) nz = len(myz) if (nz == 0): #Empty myz array return np.zeros((0,nbins, 1), dtype=np.float64) #Set xmin and xmax based on x and myz if not passed as input #Must multiply x by 1+z for comparison, only need to look at max/min cases if xmin is None: xmin = x[0]*(1+myz.max()) if xmax is None: xmax = x[-1]*(1+myz.min()) #Use edge_min, xmin, edge_max, and xmax for comparison - these are #passed as scalars when x and edges are on GPU which results in #large speed gain by minimizing GPU to CPU copying of single values if (edge_min < xmin or edge_max > xmax): raise ValueError('edges must be within input x range') if (not use_gpu and scalar_z and len(y.shape) == 1): #Special case, call _trapz_rebin_1d directly result = np.zeros(nbins, dtype=np.float64) _trapz_rebin_1d(x*(1.+myz[0]), y, edges, result) return result if (len(y.shape) == 1): scalar_basis = True #for output shape y = y[None,:] #Set shape to (1,n) to be handled by _trapz_rebin_batch nbasis = y.shape[0] #Compute output shape to match input #Note * - change the shape if we switch back to (nz, nbasis, nbins) result_shape = (nbins,) if (not scalar_basis): result_shape += (nbasis,) if (not scalar_z): result_shape = (nz,)+result_shape if (use_gpu): return _trapz_rebin_batch_gpu(x, y, edges=edges, myz=myz, result_shape=result_shape) #On CPU, start with explicit dimensions of length 1 even if scalar_z #or scalar_basis are True. result = np.zeros((nz, nbins, nbasis), dtype=np.float64) ## * Uncomment the below line to change the shape of output #result = np.zeros((nz, nbasis, nbins), dtype=np.float64) #Allocate empty array of same size as x for inner loop in #_trapz_batch_rebin because numba cannot handle vectorized multiplication #nor does it allow np.zeros or np.empty so we must allocate here and #use a for loop to multiply by redshift. redshifted_x = np.zeros(x.size, dtype=np.float64) _trapz_rebin_batch(x, y, edges, myz, result, redshifted_x) #Reshape array to final shape based on scalar_z and scalar_basis #as we return. return result.reshape(result_shape)
[docs]def _trapz_rebin_batch_gpu(x, y, edges, myz, result_shape): """Rebin y(x) flux density using trapezoidal integration between bin edges GPU algorithm can rebin in batch for multiple redshifts and bases and returns 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d array (n redshifts x n bins x n basis) where n basis is the optional second dimension of the y input array and n redshifts is the length of the optional myz array. Args: x (1-d array): input x values. y (1-d or 2-d array): input y values (for all bases). edges (1-d array): new bin edges. myz (array): redshift array to rebin in batch, applying redshifts on-the-fly to x result_shape (tuple): output shape of results array - this is required because for instance if an input scalar redshift or no redshift was given to trapz_rebin, then the result shape should be (nbin, nbasis) whereas if redshift array of length 1 was given as input it should be (1, nbin, nbasis). Similarly if the y array given to trapz_rebin is 1-d, the basis dimension is omitted but if it is 2-d with (1, n) shape, it will explicitly be 1. Returns: cp.array: integrated results with shape (nz, nbin, nbasis) where nbin = len(results) = len(edges)-1 if no input redshift is given to trapz_rebin or the redshift is a scalar, the nz dimension will be omitted. If the input y given to trapz_rebin is 1-d then the nbasis dimension will be omitted. e.g. for 1-d input y and nz = 100, the shape will be (100, nbin) while for y with shape (1, n) the result will be (100, nbin, 1). For 1-d input y and scalar or omitted redshift, the shape will be (nbin). """ #import cupy here import cupy as cp edges = cp.asarray(edges, dtype=cp.float64) #myz is already a numpy array - None and scalar cases handled in trapz_rebin myz = cp.asarray(myz, dtype=cp.float64) #Copy x and y to GPU x = cp.asarray(x, dtype=cp.float64) y = cp.asarray(y, dtype=cp.float64) #Divide edges output wavelength array by (1+myz) to get 2d array #of input wavelengths at each boundary in edges and #use serachsorted to find index for each boundary e2d = edges/(1+myz[:,None]) idx = cp.searchsorted(x, e2d, side='right')#.astype(cp.int32) # Load CUDA kernel cp_module = cp.RawModule(code=cuda_source) batch_trapz_rebin_kernel = cp_module.get_function('batch_trapz_rebin') #Array sizes nbin = len(edges)-1 nz = len(myz) nbasis = y.shape[0] n = nbin*nbasis*nz nt = len(x) if (result_shape is None): result_shape = (nz, nbasis, nbin) blocks = (n+block_size-1)//block_size result = cp.empty(result_shape, dtype=cp.float64) #Launch kernel and syncrhronize batch_trapz_rebin_kernel((blocks,), (block_size,), (x, y, edges, myz, idx, result, nz, nbin, nbasis, nt)) #cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() return result
[docs]def rebin_template(template, myz, dwave=None, dedges=None, use_gpu=False, xmin=None, xmax=None): """Rebin a template to a set of wavelengths. Given a template and a single redshift - or an array of redshifts, rebin the template to a set of wavelength arrays. The wavelengths can be passed as centers (dwave) or edges (dedges) of the wavelength bins. Args: template (Template): the template object myz (float or array of float): the redshift(s) dwave (dict): the keys are the "wavehash" and the values are a 1D array containing the wavelength grid. dedges (dict): the keys are the "wavehash" and the values can be either a 1D array containing the bin edges of the wavelength grid (computed from centers2edges) or a 3-element tuple with this 1D array as a CuPy array and the min and max values as scalars in CPU memory. use_gpu (bool): whether or not to use the GPU algorithm xmin (float): (optional) minimum x-value - x[0]*(1+myz.max()) will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where x is a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain xmax (float) (optional) maximum x-value - x[-1]*(1+myz.min()) will be used if omitted - this is useful to avoid GPU to CPU copying in the case where x is a CuPy array and providing the scalar value results in a large speed gain Returns: dict: The rebinned template for every basis function and wavelength grid in dwave. This is a dict of np or cp 3d arrays (nz x nlambda x nbasis) """ nbasis = template.flux.shape[0] #- number of template basis vectors result = dict() #calculate xmin and xmax if not given if (xmin is None): xmin = template.minwave*(1+myz.max()) if (xmax is None): xmax = template.maxwave*(1+myz.min()) #rebin all z and all bases in batch in parallel #and return dict of 3-d numpy / cupy arrays if dwave is not None: #Handle the case where dwave is passed for hs, wave in dwave.items(): if (use_gpu and template.gpuwave is not None): #Use gpuwave and gpuflux arrays already on GPU result[hs] = trapz_rebin(template.gpuwave, template.gpuflux, xnew=wave, myz=myz, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) else: result[hs] = trapz_rebin(template.wave, template.flux, xnew=wave, myz=myz, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) elif dedges is not None: #Handle the case where dedges is passed because edges is already computed minedge = None maxedge = None for hs, edges in dedges.items(): #Check if edges is a 1-d array or a tuple also containing scalar min/max values if type(edges) is tuple: (edges, minedge, maxedge) = edges if (use_gpu and template.gpuwave is not None): #Use gpuwave and gpuflux arrays already on GPU result[hs] = trapz_rebin(template.gpuwave, template.gpuflux, edges=edges, myz=myz, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, edge_min=minedge, edge_max=maxedge) else: result[hs] = trapz_rebin(template.wave, template.flux, edges=edges, myz=myz, use_gpu=use_gpu, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, edge_min=minedge, edge_max=maxedge) return result