Source code for redrock.utils


Redrock utility functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
import os
import time

import numpy as np

from . import constants

#- From io.util.native_endian
[docs]def native_endian(data): """Convert numpy array data to native endianness if needed. Returns new array if endianness is swapped, otherwise returns input data By default, FITS data from are not Intel native endianness and scipy 0.14 sparse matrices have a bug with non-native endian data. Args: data (array): input array Returns: array: original array if input in native endianness, otherwise a copy with the bytes swapped. """ if data.dtype.isnative: return data else: return data.byteswap().newbyteorder()
[docs]def encode_column(c): """Returns a bytes column encoded into a string column. Args: c (Table column): a column of a Table. Returns: array: an array of strings. """ return c.astype((str, c.dtype.itemsize))
#- Adapted from; unix only
[docs]def getch(): """Return a single character from stdin. """ import tty, termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch
[docs]def elapsed(timer, prefix, comm=None): """Get and print the elapsed time. If timer is None, compute the start time and return. Otherwise, find the elapsed time and print a message before returning the new start time. Args: timer (float): time in seconds for some arbitrary epoch. If "None", get the current time and return. prefix (str): string to print before the elapsed time. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): optional communicator. Returns: float: the new start time in seconds. """ if comm is not None: comm.barrier() cur = time.time() if timer is not None: elapsed = cur - timer if ((comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0)): print("{}: {:0.1f} seconds".format(prefix, elapsed)) sys.stdout.flush() return cur
[docs]def nersc_login_node(): """Returns True if we are on a NERSC login node, else False. """ if ("NERSC_HOST" in os.environ) and ("SLURM_JOB_NAME" not in os.environ): return True else: return False
[docs]def get_mp(requested): """Returns a reasonable number of multiprocessing processes. This checks whether the requested value makes sense, and also whether we are running on a NERSC login node (and hence would get in trouble trying to use all cores). Args: requested (int): the requested number of processes. Returns: int: the number of processes to use. """ import multiprocessing as mp mpmax = mp.cpu_count() mpbest = mpmax // 2 if mpbest == 0: mpbest = 1 procs = None if requested == 0: procs = mpbest elif requested > mpmax: print("Requested number of processes ({}) is too large, " "reducing to {}".format(requested, mpmax)) sys.stdout.flush() procs = mpmax else: procs = requested # On NERSC login nodes, avoid hogging the whole node (and getting an # unhappy phone call). login_max = 4 if nersc_login_node(): if procs > login_max: print("Running on a NERSC login node- reducing number of processes" " to {}".format(login_max)) sys.stdout.flush() procs = login_max return procs
[docs]def mp_array(original): """Allocate a raw shared memory buffer and wrap it in an ndarray. This allocates a multiprocessing.RawArray and wraps the buffer with an ndarray. Args: typcode (str): the type code of the array. size_or_init: passed to the RawArray constructor. Returns; ndarray: the wrapped data. If the input array has size=0, the original is returned without wrapping it in a size=0 multiprocessing.RawArray (which generates warnings) """ import multiprocessing as mp # A zero-length array generates the warning documented in #; capture it. if original.size == 0: return original typecode = original.dtype.char shape = original.shape raw = mp.RawArray(typecode, original.ravel()) nd = np.array(raw, dtype=typecode, copy=False).view() nd.shape = shape return nd
[docs]def distribute_work(nproc, ids, weights=None, capacities=None): """Helper function to distribute work among processes with varying capacities. Args: nproc (int): the number of processes. ids (list): list of work unit IDs weights (dict): dictionary of weights for each ID. If None, use equal weighting. capacities (list): list of process capacities. If None, use equal capacity per process. A process with higher capacity can handle more work. Returns: list: A list (one element for each process) with each element being a list of the IDs assigned to that process. """ # Sort ids by weights (descending) if weights is None: weights = { x : 1 for x in ids } sids = list(sorted(ids, key=lambda x: weights[x], reverse=True)) # If capacities are not provided, assume they are equal if capacities is None: capacities = [1] * nproc # Initialize distributed list of ids dist = [list() for _ in range(nproc)] # Initialize process list. Processes are modeled using dictionary # with fields for a unique id, capacity, and load (total weight of work). processes = [dict(id=i, capacity=c, load=0) for i, c in enumerate(capacities)] for id in sids: w = weights[id] # Identify process to receive task. Smallest normalized load, break ties with capacity, followed by id. minload = min(processes, key=lambda p: ((p['load'] + w)/p['capacity'], 1/p['capacity'], p['id'])) i = processes.index(minload) # Assign work unit to process minload['load'] += weights[id] dist[i].append(id) return dist
[docs]def getGPUCountMPI(comm): """Determine the number of GPUs available when running in MPI mode In MPI mode, cupy.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount() always returns 1 so this method determines the actual number of GPUs. Args: comm: the MPI communicator Returns: int: the number of GPUs """ #First check /proc because this is fast if os.access('/proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/', os.F_OK): return len(os.listdir('/proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/')) #Now gather device IDs which is slow if comm.rank == 0: print("WARNING: --max-gpuprocs option was not specified") print("WARNING: Cannot find /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/") print("WARNING: Finding number of devices by gathering PCI Bus ids") import cupy #Get this device's PCI id n = cupy.cuda.runtime.getDevice() pci_id = cupy.cuda.runtime.deviceGetPCIBusId(n) #Gather and remove duplicates pci_id_list = comm.allgather(pci_id) pci_id_list = list(set(pci_id_list)) if comm.rank == 0: print("WARNING: Found {:d} GPUs".format(len(pci_id_list))) return len(pci_id_list)
[docs]def reduced_wavelength(wave): """function to calculate reduced wavelength arrya for legendre polynomial in archetype mode, legendre polynomials are orthogonal in [-1,1] Args: wave (array): wavelength for which reduced wavelengths to be estimated Return: reduced wavelength in [-1,1] range """ wavemax = wave.max() wavemin = wave.min() return 2*(wave - wavemin) / (wavemax - wavemin) - 1