Source code for redrock.zscan


Algorithms for scanning redshifts.

from __future__ import division, print_function

import time
import sys
import traceback
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import lsq_linear, nnls

#    import cupy as cp
#    import cupyx.scipy
#    import cupyx
#    cupy_available = cp.is_available()
#except ImportError:
#    cupy_available = False
#Moved CUPY import to local within method.  Set global var to None here
cp = None
#On consumer grade GPUs with lower memory this will be set to True
#and attempts will be made to minimize memory usage to under 4 GB
cp_memcheck = False

from .utils import elapsed

from .targets import distribute_targets

#Since CUPY import is moved, vars block_size and cuda_source will always be
#set but this should cost no real time.
block_size = 512 #Default block size, should work on all modern nVidia GPUs

# cuda_source contains raw CUDA kernels to be loaded as CUPY module

cuda_source = r'''
        extern "C" {
            __global__ void batch_dot_product_sparse(const double* Rcsr_values, const int* Rcsr_cols, const int* Rcsr_indptr, const double* tdata, double* tb, int nrows, int ncols, int nbasis, int nt) {
                // This kernel performs a batch dot product of a sparse matrix Rcsr
                // with a set of redshifted templates
                //** Args:
                //       Rcsr_values, Rcsr_cols, Rcsr_indptr = individualarrays from sparse matrix
                //           (Rcsr = sparse array, ncols x nrows)
                //       tdata = redshifted templates, nt x ncols x nbasis
                //       tb = output array = nt x ncols x nbasis
                //       nrows, ncols, nbasis, nt = array dimensions

                const int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; //thread index i - corresponds to the output array index
                if (i >= ncols*nbasis*nt) return;
                double x = 0; //define a local var to accumulate
                //ibatch, icol, it = index in 3d representation of output tb array
                //icol also == row in Rcsr input
                int ibatch = i % nbasis;
                int icol = (i % (nbasis*ncols)) / nbasis;
                int it = i / (nbasis*ncols);
                int t_start = it*nbasis*ncols; //first index in tdata for this thread
                int row = icol;

                int col;
                //loop over all nonzero entries in sparse matrix and compute dot product
                for (int j = Rcsr_indptr[row]; j < Rcsr_indptr[row+1]; j++) {
                    col = Rcsr_cols[j];
                    x += Rcsr_values[j] * tdata[t_start+nbasis*col+ibatch];
                tb[i] = x;

            __global__ void batch_dot_product_3d3d(const double* a, const double* b, double* M, int nrows, int nbasis, int nt, int nparallel, int transpose_a) {
                // This kernel computes a batch dot product of two 3-d arrays,
                // a and b such that for every i
                //     M[i,:,:] = a[i,:,:].dot(b[i,:,:])
                // This replicates the CUPY code M = a @ b but more efficiently
                // It will use nparallel threads to compute the dot product
                // for each output element in M.  Each thread will handle
                //  nrows/nparallel products and sums into an intermediate
                // local variable // and then an atomicAdd will be used to add
                // this intermediate sum to the output array.

                // This replicates the python command:
                //     M =[:,None], Tb))
                // for all M where a = Tb.T and b = weights[:,None]*Tb
                //** Args:
                //       a = a 3-d array
                //       b = a 3-d array
                //       weights = the weights array for this target (1d, size = nrows)
                //       wflux = the wflux array for this target (1d, size = nrows)
                //       M = the output M array (nt x nbasis x nbasis)
                //       y = the output y array (nt x nbasis)
                //       nrows, nbasis, nt = array dimensions
                //       nparallel = number of parallel threads to used for each output

                const int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; //thread index i
                if (i >= nbasis*nbasis*nt*nparallel) return;

                int m_idx = i / nparallel; //index in output M array
                int t = m_idx / (nbasis*nbasis); //target number
                int a_row = (m_idx % (nbasis*nbasis)) % nbasis; //row in a array
                int b_row = (m_idx % (nbasis*nbasis)) / nbasis; //row in b array

                int stride = nrows/nparallel; //stride to divide up nparallel threads

                int start = (threadIdx.x % nparallel)*stride; //start index in nrows dim
                int end = ((threadIdx.x % nparallel)+1)*stride; //end index in nrows dim
                if (threadIdx.x % nparallel == (nparallel-1)) end = nrows;
                int a_idx = t*nrows*nbasis + a_row*nrows; // 1-d index for first element to be processed by this thread
                if (transpose_a) a_idx = t*nrows*nbasis + a_row;
                int b_idx = t*nrows*nbasis + b_row; // 1-d index for first element to be processed by this thread
                double x = 0; //define local var to accumulate

                //perform intermediate sum dot product for this thread
                if (transpose_a) {
                    for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
                        //stride by nbasis
                        x += a[a_idx+j*nbasis] * b[b_idx+j*nbasis];
                } else {
                    for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {
                        //stride by nbasis
                        x += a[a_idx+j] * b[b_idx+j*nbasis];
                //use atomic add to avoid collisions between threads
                atomicAdd(&M[m_idx], x);

            __global__ void batch_dot_product_3d2d(const double* tb, const double* zc, double* model, int nrows, int nbasis, int nt) {
                // This kernel computes a batch dot product of Tb (a 3-d array)
                // and zc (a 2-d array), the result of the matrix solution of
                // M and y, for all templates (nt) in parallel.  It results in
                // the 2-d model array.  Each thread computes an element in the
                // output model array.  It replaces the python code:
                //     model =
                //** Args:
                //       tb = the Tb array, the stacked output from all 3 filters from
                //           batch_dot_product_sparse, for all redshift templates (nt x nrows x nbasis)
                //       zc = the zc array, the output of
                //           zc = cp.linalg.solve(all_M, all_y)
                //           shape = (nt x nbasis)
                //       model = the output of the dot product, (nt x nrows)
                const int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; //thread index i
                if (i >= nrows*nt) return;
                int it = i / nrows; //target num
                int row = i % nrows; //row num
                int i_tb = it * nrows * nbasis + row * nbasis; //start index in Tb array
                int i_zc = it * nbasis; //start index in zc array
                double x = 0; //use local var to accumulate
                //compute dot product
                for (int j = 0; j < nbasis; j++) {
                    x += tb[i_tb+j] * zc[i_zc+j];
                //copy to output
                model[i] = x;


#This is used by original CPU algorithm
#It is called by archeypes so keep for now
[docs]def _zchi2_one(Tb, weights, flux, wflux, zcoeff, solve_matrices_algorithm): """Calculate a single chi2. For one redshift and a set of spectral data, compute the chi2 for template data that is already on the correct grid. """ M =[:,None], Tb)) y = try: zcoeff[:] = solve_matrices(M, y, solve_algorithm=solve_matrices_algorithm, use_gpu=False) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return 9e99 except NotImplementedError: return 9e99 model = zchi2 = (flux - model)**2, weights ) return zchi2
[docs]def spectral_data(spectra): """Compute concatenated spectral data products. This helper function builds full length array quantities needed for the chi2 fit. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. Returns: tuple: (weights, flux, wflux) concatenated values used for single redshift chi^2 fits. """ weights = np.concatenate([ s.ivar for s in spectra ]) flux = np.concatenate([ s.flux for s in spectra ]) wflux = weights * flux return (weights, flux, wflux)
#This is used by original CPU algorithm #It is called by archeypes so keep for now
[docs]def calc_zchi2_one(spectra, weights, flux, wflux, tdata, solve_matrices_algorithm): """Calculate a single chi2. For one redshift and a set of spectra, compute the chi2 for template data that is already on the correct grid. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. weights (array): concatenated spectral weights (ivar). flux (array): concatenated flux values. wflux (array): concatenated weighted flux values. tdata (dict): dictionary of interpolated template values for each wavehash. Returns: tuple: chi^2 and coefficients. """ Tb = list() nbasis = None for s in spectra: key = s.wavehash if nbasis is None: nbasis = tdata[key].shape[1] #print("using ",nbasis," basis vectors", flush=True) Tb.append([key])) Tb = np.vstack(Tb) zcoeff = np.zeros(nbasis, dtype=np.float64) zchi2 = _zchi2_one(Tb, weights, flux, wflux, zcoeff, solve_matrices_algorithm) return zchi2, zcoeff
[docs]def per_camera_coeff_with_least_square_batch(target, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, nleg, narch, method=None, n_nbh=None, prior=None, use_gpu=False, bands=None): """This function calculates coefficients for archetype mode in each camera using normal linear algebra matrix solver or BVLS (bounded value least square) method BVLS described in : Scipy: Args: target (object): target object tdata (dict): template data for model fit for ALL archetypes weights (array): concatenated spectral weights (ivar). flux (array): concatenated flux values. wflux (array): concatenated weighted flux values. nleg (int): number of Legendre polynomials narch (int): number of archetypes method (string): 'PCA', 'BVLS', 'NMF', or 'NNLS' (same as NMF) n_nbh (int): number of nearest best archetypes prior (array): prior matrix added to the Legendre coefficients (1/sigma^2) use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not bands (list): list of wavelength bands Returns: coefficients and chi2 """ ### TODO - implement BVLS on GPU # number of cameras in DESI: b, r, z spectra = target.spectra ncam = len(bands) nbasis = n_nbh+nleg*ncam # n_nbh : for actual physical archetype(s), nleg: number of legendre polynomials, ncamera: number of cameras ret_zcoeff = {} ret_zcoeff['alpha'] = [] if nleg>0: for b in bands: # bands as save in targets object ret_zcoeff[b] = [] new_bands = sorted(bands) # saves as correct order #Setup dict of solver args to pass bounds to solver method = method.upper() solver_args = dict() if (method == 'BVLS'): #only positive coefficients are allowed for the archetypes bounds = np.zeros((2, nbasis)) bounds[0][n_nbh:]=-np.inf #constant and slope terms in archetype method (can be positive or negative) bounds[1] = np.inf solver_args['bounds'] = bounds #Use branching options because GPU is faster in batch in 3d #but due to timing weirdness in numpy, CPU is faster looping over #narch and calling calc_zchi2_batch one arch at a time. if (use_gpu): #Use batch 3d array on GPU with CuPy to calculate new tdata array for i, hs in enumerate(tdata): tdata2 = np.zeros_like(tdata[hs], shape=(tdata[hs].shape[0], tdata[hs].shape[1], nbasis)) tdata2[:,:,:n_nbh] = tdata[hs][:,:,:n_nbh] tdata2[:,:,n_nbh+i*nleg:n_nbh+(i+1)*nleg] = tdata[hs][:,:,n_nbh:] tdata[hs] = tdata2 (zzchi2, zzcoeff) = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, narch, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=method, solver_args=solver_args, prior=prior, use_gpu=use_gpu) else: #Create zzchi2, zcoeff, and tdata2 dict here tdata2 = dict() zzchi2 = np.zeros(narch, dtype=np.float64) zzcoeff = np.zeros((narch, n_nbh+ncam*(nleg)), dtype=np.float64) #Loop over all arch for j in range(narch): #Create a 2d array in each color for tdata2 then add 3rd dimension of rank 1 for i, hs in enumerate(tdata): tdata2[hs] = np.zeros((tdata[hs].shape[1], nbasis)) for k in range(n_nbh): tdata2[hs][:,k] = tdata[hs][j,:,k] # these are nearest archetype if nleg>0: for k in range(n_nbh, n_nbh+nleg): tdata2[hs][:,k+nleg*i] = tdata[hs][j,:,k] # Legendre polynomials terms tdata2[hs] = tdata2[hs][None,:,:] zzchi2[j], zzcoeff[j] = calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata2, weights, flux, wflux, 1, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=method, solver_args=solver_args, prior=prior, use_gpu=use_gpu) # saving leading archetype coefficients in correct order ret_zcoeff['alpha'] = [zzcoeff[:,k] for k in range(n_nbh)] # archetype coefficient(s) # logic in case nearest neighbour is used if n_nbh>1: ret_zcoeff['alpha'] = np.array([ret_zcoeff['alpha'][jj][0] for jj in range(n_nbh)])[None,:] else: ret_zcoeff['alpha'] = ret_zcoeff['alpha'][0][:,None] if nleg>=1: split_coeff = np.split(zzcoeff[:,n_nbh:], ncam, axis=1) # n_camera = 3 # In target spectra redrock saves values as 'b', 'z', 'r'. # So just re-ordering them here to 'b', 'r', 'z' for easier reading old_coeff = {band: split_coeff[i] for i, band in enumerate(bands)} for band in new_bands:# 3 cameras ret_zcoeff[band] = old_coeff[band] coeff = np.concatenate(list(ret_zcoeff.values()), axis=1) #print(f'{time.time()-start} [sec] took for per camera BVLS method\n') return zzchi2, coeff
[docs]def batch_dot_product_sparse(spectra, tdata, nz, use_gpu): """Calculate a batch dot product of the 3 sparse matrices in spectra with every template in tdata. Sparse matrix libraries are used to perform the dot products. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. tdata (dict): dictionary of interpolated template values for each wavehash. nz (int): number of templates use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not Returns: Tbs (list): dot products of these 3 spectra with all templates """ if (use_gpu): #Use GPU to do dot products in batch return _batch_dot_product_sparse_gpu(spectra, tdata) #Need to find shape of output array of batch dot product nrows = 0 nbasis = None for key in tdata: nrows += tdata[key].shape[1] if (nbasis is None): nbasis = tdata[key].shape[2] #Create empty array rather than stacking a list - faster Tbs = np.empty((nz, nrows, nbasis)) #Loop over all templates for i in range(nz): irow = 0 for s in spectra: key = s.wavehash curr_tb =[key][i,:,:]) #Copy this dot product result into the Tbs array Tbs[i, irow:irow+curr_tb.shape[0],:] = curr_tb irow += curr_tb.shape[0] return Tbs
[docs]def _batch_dot_product_sparse_gpu(spectra, tdata): """GPU implementation. Calculate a batch dot product of the 3 sparse matrices in spectra with every template in tdata. A CUDA kernel replicates the functionality of the scipy sparse matrix dot product but done for every template in parallel so that the kernel is only called once per spectrum. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. tdata (dict): dictionary of interpolated template values for each wavehash. Returns: Tbs (cp.array): dot products of these 3 spectra with all templates """ # Load CUDA kernel cp_module = cp.RawModule(code=cuda_source) batch_dot_product_sparse_kernel = cp_module.get_function('batch_dot_product_sparse') Tbs = list() for s in spectra: key = s.wavehash #Array dimensions needed by CUDA kernel nrows = cp.int32(s.Rcsr.shape[1]) ncols = cp.int32(s.Rcsr.shape[0]) nbasis = cp.int32(tdata[key].shape[2]) nt = cp.int32(tdata[key].shape[0]) #Use actual numpy arrays that represent sparse array - .data, .indices, and .indptr #Use batch_dot_product_sparse kernel to perform dot product in parallel for all templates #for this (target, spectrum) combination. #Allocate CUPY arrays and calculate number of blocks to use. n = tdata[key].size blocks = (n+block_size-1)//block_size Rcsr_values = cp.asarray(, cp.float64) Rcsr_cols = cp.asarray(s.Rcsr.indices, cp.int32) Rcsr_indptr = cp.asarray(s.Rcsr.indptr, cp.int32) curr_tb = cp.empty((nt, ncols, nbasis)) #Launch kernel and syncrhronize batch_dot_product_sparse_kernel((blocks,), (block_size,), (Rcsr_values, Rcsr_cols, Rcsr_indptr, tdata[key], curr_tb, nrows, ncols, nbasis, nt)) #Commented out synchronize - needed for timing kernels but we still #get execution of this kernel before data is needed for next kernel #so output is the same and slightly faster without synchronize #cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() #Append to list Tbs.append(curr_tb) #Use CUPY.hstack to combine into one nt x ncols x nbasis array Tbs = cp.hstack(Tbs) #cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() return Tbs
[docs]def dot_product_sparse_one(spectra, tdata, i): """Calculate a dot product of the 3 sparse matrices in spectra with ONE template in tdata. Sparse matrix libraries are used to perform the dot products. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. tdata (dict): dictionary of interpolated template values for each wavehash - arrays are 3d (nz x nlambda x nbasis) i (int): index of this redshift Returns: Tb (array): dot products of these 3 spectra with ONE templates """ Tb = list() for s in spectra: key = s.wavehash Tb.append([key][i,:,:])) Tb = np.vstack(Tb) return Tb
[docs]def calc_batch_dot_product_3d2d(Tbs, zc, use_gpu): """Calculate a batch dot product of the 3d array Tbs with the 2d array zc. The 3-d array shape is A x B x C and the 2-d array shape is A x C. The resulting output 2-d array shape is A x B. E.g., for all A a dot product of a 2d array of shape B x C is performed with a 1-d array of shape C. These are non-sparse numpy arrays. Args: Tbs (array): the stacked output from all 3 filters from batch_dot_product_sparse, for all redshift templates (nz x nrows x nbasis) zc (array): zcoeffs, the 2-d array output of zc = linalg.solve(all_M, all_y) (nz x nbasis) use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not Returns: model (array): the output of the dot product, (nz x nrows) """ if (use_gpu): return _calc_batch_dot_product_3d2d_gpu(Tbs, zc) #Get array dims to reshape model array to 2d nz = zc.shape[0] nrows = Tbs[0].shape[0] model = (Tbs@zc[:, :, None]).reshape((nz, nrows)) return model
[docs]def _calc_batch_dot_product_3d2d_gpu(Tbs, zc): """GPU implementation. Calculate a batch dot product of the 3d array Tbs with the 2d array zc. The 3-d array shape is A x B x C and the 2-d array shape is A x C. The resulting output 2-d array shape is A x B. E.g., for all A a dot product of a 2d array of shape B x C is performed with a 1-d array of shape C. These are non-sparse numpy arrays. Args: Tbs (array): the stacked output from all 3 filters from batch_dot_product_sparse, for all redshift templates (nz x nrows x nbasis) zc (array): zcoeffs, the 2-d array output of zc = linalg.solve(all_M, all_y) (nz x nbasis) Returns: model (array): the output of the dot product, (nz x nrows) """ #Use batch_dot_product_3d2d kernel to compute model array # Load CUDA kernel cp_module = cp.RawModule(code=cuda_source) batch_dot_product_3d2d_kernel = cp_module.get_function('batch_dot_product_3d2d') #Array dims needed by CUDA: nz = zc.shape[0] nrows = Tbs[0].shape[0] n = nrows * nz nbasis = zc.shape[1] #Allocate CUPY array and calc blocks to be used blocks = (n+block_size-1)//block_size model = cp.empty((nz, nrows), cp.float64) #Launch kernel and synchronize batch_dot_product_3d2d_kernel((blocks,), (block_size,), (Tbs, zc, model, nrows, nbasis, nz)) #cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() return model
###!!! NOTE - used in v2 and v3 algorithms as an alternative to straight CuPy ### computation of M and y or the calc_M_y_batch method as a middle ground ### between maximum speed and maximum maintainability. ### This only offloads the computationally expensive dot product itself ### (and optionally the transpose) because the CuPy @ matrix multiplication ### seems to have a bug on Volta architecure GPUs. ### This is the equivalent of M = a @ b ### (Or if transpose_a is true, M = a.swapaxes(-2, -1) @ b)
[docs]def calc_batch_dot_product_3d3d_gpu(a, b, transpose_a=False, fullprecision=True): """GPU implementation. Calculate a batch dot product of the 3d array a with the 3d array b. The 3-d array shape is A x B x C and the 2-d array shape is A x C. The resulting output 2-d array shape is A x B. E.g., for all A a dot product of a 2d array of shape B x C is performed with a 1-d array of shape C. These are non-sparse numpy arrays. Args: a (array): a 3-d array (nz x ncols x nrows) In practice, the Tb array, the stacked output from all 3 filters from batch_dot_product_sparse, for all redshift templates (nz x nrows x nbasis) which should have its transpose performed yielding shape (nz x nbasis x nrows). b (array): another 3-d array (nz x nrows x ncols) In practice, the Tb array multiplied y weights, shape (nz x nrows x nbasis) transpose_a (bool): Whether or not to transpose the a array before performing the dot product fullprecision (bool): Whether or not to ensure reproducibly identical results. The context is that it can be faster to use many parallel threads to compute a single output array element of the dot product result, but due to floating point rounding issues, the random order of the summation can change the result by order 1e-16 (e.g. a+b+c != c+a+b). When set to true, the number of parallel threads is decreased to ensure reproducibility at a trade-off of speed. Returns: M (array): the output of the dot product, (nz x ncols x ncols) such that M[i,:,:] = a[i,:,:].dot(b[i,:,:]) """ #Use batch_dot_product_3d3d kernel to compute model array # Load CUDA kernel import cupy as cp cp_module = cp.RawModule(code=cuda_source) batch_dot_product_3d3d_kernel = cp_module.get_function('batch_dot_product_3d3d') #Array dims needed by CUDA: nz = cp.int32(a.shape[0]) if (transpose_a): nrows = cp.int32(a.shape[1]) ncols = cp.int32(a.shape[2]) else: nrows = cp.int32(a.shape[2]) ncols = cp.int32(a.shape[1]) transpose_a = cp.int32(transpose_a) nparallel = cp.int32(4) if (fullprecision): nparallel = cp.int32(4) elif (nz <= 512): #With smaller arrays, use more parallel threads in order to maximize #parallelism and leverage the full resources of the GPU nparallel = cp.int32(64) #Create CUPY arrays and calculate number of blocks n = nz*ncols*ncols*nparallel blocks = (n+block_size-1)//block_size all_M = cp.zeros((nz, ncols, ncols)) #Launch kernel and synchronize batch_dot_product_3d3d_kernel((blocks,), (block_size,), (a, b, all_M, nrows, ncols, nz, nparallel, transpose_a)) #cp.cuda.Stream.null.synchronize() return all_M
###!!! NOTE - this is called in the v3 algorithm ### In this version, everything is done in batch on the GPU but the ### templates are looped over on the CPU. The operations performed ### are very obviously analagous though and should be highly ### maintainable. The main difference is the extra loop on the CPU version
[docs]def calc_zchi2_batch(spectra, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, nz, nbasis, solve_matrices_algorithm=None, solver_args=None, use_gpu=False, fullprecision=True, prior=None): """Calculate a batch of chi2. For many redshifts and a set of spectral data, compute the chi2 for template data that is already on the correct grid. Args: spectra (list): list of Spectrum objects. tdata (dict): dictionary of interpolated template values for each wavehash - arrays are 3d (nz x nlambda x nbasis) weights (array): concatenated spectral weights (ivar). flux (array): concatenated flux values. wflux (array): concatenated weighted flux values. nz (int): number of templates nbasis (int): nbasis solve_matrices_algorithm (string): PCA, BLVS, or NMF - the algorithm used to solve matrix equation solver_args (dict): Optional args to pass to solver, such as bounds array for BVLS. use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not fullprecision (bool): Whether or not to ensure reproducibly identical results. See calc_batch_dot_product_3d3d_gpu. prior (2d array): prior matrix on coefficients (1/sig**2) Returns: zchi2 (array): array with one element per redshift for this target zcoeff (array): array of best fit template coefficients """ zchi2 = np.zeros(nz) if (weights.sum() == 0): zchi2[:] = 9e99 zcoeff = np.zeros((nz, nbasis)) return (zchi2, zcoeff) if (use_gpu): global cp import cupy as cp #On the GPU, all operations are batch operations for all templates #in parallel. #1) batch_dot_product_sparse will compute dot products of all #spectra with all templates in batch and return a 3D array of #size (nz x ncols x nbasis). Tbs = batch_dot_product_sparse(spectra, tdata, nz, use_gpu) if (cp_memcheck): #Free memory on consumer grade GPUs with low resources mpool = cp.get_default_memory_pool() mpool.free_all_blocks() #2) On the GPU, M and y are computed for all templates at once #CUPY swapaxes is the equivalent of the transpose in CPU mode #and the @ matrix multiplication operator performs a dot #product for each template. ###!!! NOTE - there are 3 different options for calculating the ### M and y arrays - ### A) Straight CUPY, which works well on perlmutter with a ### runtime of 6.2s on 1 GPU and 2.0s on 4 GPUs, but is ### unusably slow on Volta generation GPUs (16.8s for only ### 10 targets on a 1660 Super). ### B) calc_M_y_batch, the custom CUDA kernel, which is the ### fastest at 2.9s on 1 GPU and 0.7s on 4 GPUs (and 0.7s ### for 10 targets on a 1660 Super) but is the most difficult ### from a maintenance perspective ### C) Use the calc_batch_dot_product_3d3d_gpu kernel to offload ### only the matrix multiplication for M (and transpose of ### Tbs) but use CUPY for everything else. This strikes a ### middle ground that is very maintainable but removes the ### bottleneck of the CUPY Volta issue. 5.7s on 1 GPU and ### 1.8s on 4 GPUs on Perlmutter; 1.6s for 10 targets on ### 1660 Super. ###!!! NOTE - uncomment the 2 lines below to run (A) #all_M = Tbs.swapaxes(-2, -1) @ (weights[None, :, None] * Tbs) #all_y = (Tbs.swapaxes(-2, -1) @ wflux) ###!!! NOTE - uncomment the below line to run (B) #(all_M, all_y) = calc_M_y_batch(Tbs, weights, wflux, nz, nbasis) ###!!! NOTE - uncomment the 2 lines below to run (C) all_M = calc_batch_dot_product_3d3d_gpu(Tbs, (weights[None, :, None] * Tbs), transpose_a=True, fullprecision=fullprecision) all_y = (Tbs.swapaxes(-2, -1) @ wflux) ###!!! NOTE - uncomment the 2 lines below to run an alternative ### version of (C) that does the transpose on the CPU - this seems ### to needlessly waste time though #all_M = calc_batch_dot_product_3d3d_gpu(cp.ascontiguousarray(Tbs.swapaxes(-2, -1)), (weights[None, :, None] * Tbs)) #all_y = (Tbs.swapaxes(-2, -1) @ wflux) if prior is not None: all_M += cp.asarray(prior) #3) Use new helper method solve_matrices to use appropriate method #for this template to solve for zcoeff in batch for all_M and all_y. #There is no Error thrown by cupy's version of linalg.solve so just #need to catch NotImplementedError. try: zcoeff = solve_matrices(all_M, all_y, solve_algorithm=solve_matrices_algorithm, solver_args=solver_args, use_gpu=True) except NotImplementedError: zchi2[:] = 9e99 zcoeff = np.zeros((nz, nbasis)) return (zchi2, zcoeff) #4) calc_batch_dot_product_3d2d will compute the dot product #of Tbs and zcoeff for all templates in parallel. #It is the same as model[i,:,:] = Tbs[i,:,:].dot(zcoeff[i,:]) model = calc_batch_dot_product_3d2d(Tbs, zcoeff, use_gpu) #5) On the GPU, (flux-model)*(flux-model) is faster than #(flux-model)**2. The @ matrix multiplication operator performs #a dot product for each template. get() copies the data back #from the GPU to the numpy array allocated for zchi2. zchi2[:] = (((flux - model)*(flux-model)) @ weights).get() #Copy data from GPU to numpy arrays zcoeff = zcoeff.get() if (cp_memcheck): #Free memory on consumer grade GPUs with low resources del Tbs del all_M del all_y del model mpool = cp.get_default_memory_pool() mpool.free_all_blocks() else: zcoeff = np.zeros((nz, nbasis)) #On the CPU, the templates are looped over and all operations #are performed on one template at a time. for i in range(nz): #1) dot_product_sparse_one will compute dot products of all #spectra with ONE template and return a 2D array of size #(ncols x nbasis) Tb = dot_product_sparse_one(spectra, tdata, i) #2) On the CPU, M and y are computed for each template M =[:,None], Tb)) y = if prior is not None: M += prior #3) Use new helper method solve_matrices to use appropriate method #for this template to solve for zcoeff for each M, y. #Catch LinAlgError and NotImplementedError try: zcoeff[i,:] = solve_matrices(M, y, solve_algorithm=solve_matrices_algorithm, solver_args=solver_args, use_gpu=False) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: zchi2[i] = 9e99 continue except NotImplementedError: zchi2[i] = 9e99 continue #4) Calculate dot products individually for each template model =[i,:]) #5) Calculate this zchi2 element individually for each template zchi2[i] = (flux - model)**2, weights ) return (zchi2, zcoeff)
[docs]def calc_negOII_penalty(OIItemplate, coeff): """return penalty term for model having negative [OII] flux Args: OIItemplate[nwave, nbasis]: portion of template around [OII] doublet coeff[nz, nbasis]: coefficients from full template fit to data Returns: penalty[nz]: penalty per redshift bin """ #- evaluate template and sum over [OII] doublet OIIflux = np.sum(coeff @ OIItemplate, axis=1) #- Linear penalty with negative [OII]; no mathematical basis but #- pragmatically works ok penalty = -OIIflux * (OIIflux < 0) return penalty
###!!! NOTE - this is the main method for the v3 algorithm ### In this version, everything is done in batch on the GPU but the ### templates are looped over on the CPU. The operations performed ### are very obviously analagous though and should be highly ### maintainable. The main difference is the extra loop on the CPU version
[docs]def calc_zchi2(target_ids, target_data, dtemplate, progress=None, use_gpu=False): """Calculate chi2 vs. redshift for a given PCA template. New CPU/GPU algorithms June 2022 Args: target_ids (list): targets IDs. target_data (list): list of Target objects. dtemplate (DistTemplate): distributed template data progress (multiprocessing.Queue): optional queue for tracking progress, only used if MPI is disabled. Returns: tuple: (zchi2, zcoeff, zchi2penalty) with: - zchi2[ntargets, nz]: array with one element per target per redshift - zcoeff[ntargets, nz, ncoeff]: array of best fit template coefficients for each target at each redshift - zchi2penalty[ntargets, nz]: array of penalty priors per target and redshift, e.g. to penalize unphysical fits """ if (use_gpu): #Use global to import cupy here - it will not be needed to be imported #in any other method global cp import cupy as cp #Get CUDA device and check available memory. #If < 3 GB free set cp_memcheck d = cp.cuda.Device() if (d.mem_info[0] < 3*1024*1024*1024): global cp_memcheck cp_memcheck = True nz = len(dtemplate.local.redshifts) ntargets = len(target_ids) nbasis = dtemplate.template.nbasis zchi2 = np.zeros( (ntargets, nz) ) zchi2penalty = np.zeros( (ntargets, nz) ) zcoeff = np.zeros( (ntargets, nz, nbasis) ) ## Redshifted templates are now already in format needed - dict of 3d # arrays (CUPY or numpy). tdata = for j in range(ntargets): if (use_gpu): #Use new helper method gpu_spectral_data() that will copy to GPU #on first access and recall data in subsequent calls instead of #copying every time (weights, flux, wflux) = target_data[j].gpu_spectral_data() else: #Use spectral_data() to get numpy arrays (weights, flux, wflux) = spectral_data(target_data[j].spectra) if np.sum(weights) == 0: zchi2[j,:] = 9e99 #Update progress for multiprocessing!! if dtemplate.comm is None and progress is not None: progress.put(1) continue # Solving for template fit coefficients for all redshifts. # We use the pre-interpolated templates for each # unique wavelength range. # Use helper method calc_zchi2_batch to calculate zchi2 and zcoeff # for all templates for all three spectra for this target # For coarse z scan, use fullprecision = False to maximize speed (zchi2[j,:], zcoeff[j,:,:]) = calc_zchi2_batch( target_data[j].spectra, tdata, weights, flux, wflux, nz, nbasis, dtemplate.template.solve_matrices_algorithm, use_gpu=use_gpu, fullprecision=False) #- Galaxy templates penalize chi2 for negative [OII] flux; ad-hoc if hasattr(dtemplate.template, 'OIItemplate'): zchi2penalty[j] = calc_negOII_penalty(dtemplate.template.OIItemplate, zcoeff[j]) if dtemplate.comm is None and progress is not None: progress.put(1) return zchi2, zcoeff, zchi2penalty
[docs]def _mp_calc_zchi2(indx, target_ids, target_data, t, use_gpu, qout, qprog): """Wrapper for multiprocessing version of calc_zchi2. """ try: # Unpack targets from shared memory for tg in target_data: tg.sharedmem_unpack() tzchi2, tzcoeff, tpenalty = calc_zchi2(target_ids, target_data, t, use_gpu=use_gpu, progress=qprog) qout.put( (indx, tzchi2, tzcoeff, tpenalty) ) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) lines = [ "MP calc_zchi2: {}".format(x) for x in lines ] print("".join(lines)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def calc_zchi2_targets(targets, templates, mp_procs=1, use_gpu=False): """Compute all chi2 fits for the local set of targets and collect. Given targets and templates distributed across a set of MPI processes, compute the coarse-binned chi^2 fit for all redshifts and our local set of targets. Each process computes the fits for a slice of redshift range and then cycles through redshift slices by passing the interpolated templates along to the next process in order. Args: targets (DistTargets): distributed targets. templates (list): list of DistTemplate objects. mp_procs (int): if not using MPI, this is the number of multiprocessing processes to use. gpu (bool): (optional) use gpu for calc_zchi2 Returns: dict: dictionary of results for each local target ID. """ # Find most likely candidate redshifts by scanning over the # pre-interpolated templates on a coarse redshift spacing. # See if we are the process that should be printing stuff... am_root = False if targets.comm is None: am_root = True elif targets.comm.rank == 0: am_root = True # If we are not using MPI, our DistTargets object will have all the targets # on the main process. In that case, we would like to distribute our # targets across multiprocesses. Here we compute that distribution, if # needed. mpdist = None if targets.comm is None: mpdist = distribute_targets(targets.local(), mp_procs) results = dict() for tid in targets.local_target_ids(): results[tid] = dict() if am_root: print("Computing redshifts") sys.stdout.flush() for t in templates: ft = t.template.full_type if am_root: print(" Scanning redshifts for template {}"\ .format(t.template.full_type)) sys.stdout.flush() start = elapsed(None, "", comm=targets.comm) # There are 2 parallelization techniques supported here (MPI and # multiprocessing). zchi2 = None zcoeff = None penalty = None if targets.comm is not None or mp_procs == 1: # MPI case. # The following while-loop will cycle through the redshift slices # (one per MPI process) until all processes have computed the chi2 # for all redshifts for their local targets. if am_root: sys.stdout.write(" Progress: {:3d} %\n".format(0)) sys.stdout.flush() zchi2 = dict() zcoeff = dict() penalty = dict() mpi_prog_frac = 1.0 prog_chunk = 10 if t.comm is not None: mpi_prog_frac = 1.0 / t.comm.size if t.comm.size < prog_chunk: prog_chunk = 100 // t.comm.size proglast = 0 prog = 1 done = False #CW 04/25/22 - when running in GPU mode, all non-GPU procs should #have 0 targets. Set done to true in these cases so it skips the #while loop - this saves ~2s on 500 targets on 64 CPU / 4 GPU #and no need to call calc_zchi2 on empty target list if (use_gpu and len(targets.local_target_ids()) == 0): done = True while not done: # Compute the fit for our current redshift slice. tzchi2, tzcoeff, tpenalty = \ calc_zchi2(targets.local_target_ids(), targets.local(), t, use_gpu=use_gpu) # Save the results into a dict keyed on targetid tids = targets.local_target_ids() for i, tid in enumerate(tids): if tid not in zchi2: zchi2[tid] = {} zcoeff[tid] = {} penalty[tid] = {} zchi2[tid][t.local.index] = tzchi2[i] zcoeff[tid][t.local.index] = tzcoeff[i] penalty[tid][t.local.index] = tpenalty[i] prg = int(100.0 * prog * mpi_prog_frac) if prg >= proglast + prog_chunk: proglast += prog_chunk if am_root and (t.comm is not None): sys.stdout.write(" Progress: {:3d} %\n"\ .format(proglast)) sys.stdout.flush() prog += 1 # Cycle through the redshift slices done = t.cycle() for tid in zchi2.keys(): zchi2[tid] = np.concatenate([ zchi2[tid][p] for p in sorted(zchi2[tid].keys()) ]) zcoeff[tid] = np.concatenate([ zcoeff[tid][p] for p in sorted(zcoeff[tid].keys()) ]) penalty[tid] = np.concatenate([ penalty[tid][p] for p in sorted(penalty[tid].keys()) ]) else: # Multiprocessing case. import multiprocessing as mp # Ensure that all targets are packed into shared memory for tg in targets.local(): tg.sharedmem_pack() # We explicitly spawn processes here (rather than using a # so that we can communicate the read-only objects once and send # a whole list of redshifts to each process. qout = mp.Queue() qprog = mp.Queue() procs = list() for i in range(mp_procs): if len(mpdist[i]) == 0: continue target_ids = mpdist[i] target_data = [ x for x in targets.local() if in mpdist[i] ] p = mp.Process(target=_mp_calc_zchi2, args=(i, target_ids, target_data, t, use_gpu, qout, qprog)) procs.append(p) p.start() # Track progress sys.stdout.write(" Progress: {:3d} %\n".format(0)) sys.stdout.flush() ntarget = len(targets.local_target_ids()) progincr = 10 if mp_procs > ntarget: progincr = int(100.0 / ntarget) tot = 0 proglast = 0 while (tot < ntarget): cnt = qprog.get() tot += cnt prg = int(100.0 * tot / ntarget) if prg >= proglast + progincr: proglast += progincr sys.stdout.write(" Progress: {:3d} %\n".format(proglast)) sys.stdout.flush() # Extract the output zchi2 = dict() zcoeff = dict() penalty = dict() for _ in range(len(procs)): res = qout.get() tids = mpdist[res[0]] for j,tid in enumerate(tids): zchi2[tid] = res[1][j] zcoeff[tid] = res[2][j] penalty[tid] = res[3][j] elapsed(start, " Finished in", comm=targets.comm) for tid in sorted(zchi2.keys()): results[tid][ft] = dict() results[tid][ft]['redshifts'] = t.template.redshifts results[tid][ft]['zchi2'] = zchi2[tid] results[tid][ft]['penalty'] = penalty[tid] results[tid][ft]['zcoeff'] = zcoeff[tid] return results
[docs]def solve_matrices(M, y, solve_algorithm="PCA", solver_args=None, use_gpu=False): """Solve the matrix equation y = M*x for the unknown x using the specified algorithm. The default is to use PCA via numpy or cupy linalg.solve. But non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) and other algorithms may be integrated here and selected based on the template. Args: M (array): 2d array on CPU; 3d array on GPU for all redshifts y (array): 1d array on CPU; 2d array on GPU for all redshifts solve_algorithm (string): which algorithm to use solver_args (dict): Optional args to pass to solver, such as bounds array for BVLS. use_gpu (bool): use GPU or not Returns: x (array): solution to y = M*x (1-d array on CPU, 2-d array on GPU) Raises: LinAlgError is passed up if raised by np.linalg.solve NotImplementedError if algorithm is not implemented or undefined """ if solve_algorithm.upper() == "PCA": #Use PCA via linalg.solve in either numpy or cupy if (use_gpu): #Use cupy linalg.solve to solve for zcoeff in batch for all_M and #all_y where all_M and all_y are 3d and 2d arrays representing #M and y at every redshift bin for the given template. #There is no Error thrown by cupy's version. return cp.linalg.solve(M, y) else: #Use numpy linalg.solve which throws exception try: return np.linalg.solve(M, y) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: raise elif solve_algorithm in ("NMF", "NNLS"): if (use_gpu): nz = y.shape[0] Mcpu = M.get() ycpu = y.get() zcoeff = np.zeros(y.shape) #Copy to CPU, run scipy.optimize.nnls, copy back to GPU for j in range(nz): try: res = nnls(Mcpu[j,:,:], ycpu[j,:]) zcoeff[j,:] = res[0] except Exception: zcoeff[j,:] = 9e99 return cp.asarray(zcoeff) else: try: res = nnls(M, y) zcoeff = res[0] except Exception: raise np.linalg.LinAlgError return zcoeff elif solve_algorithm == "BVLS": if (solver_args is not None and 'bounds' in solver_args): bounds = solver_args['bounds'] else: nbasis = y.shape[-1] bounds = np.zeros((2, nbasis)) bounds[0]=-np.inf bounds[1]=np.inf if (use_gpu): nz = y.shape[0] Mcpu = M.get() ycpu = y.get() zcoeff = np.zeros(y.shape) #Copy to CPU, run scipy.optimize.lsq_linear, copy back to GPU for j in range(nz): try: res = lsq_linear(Mcpu[j,:,:], ycpu[j,:], bounds=bounds, method='bvls') zcoeff[j,:] = res.x except np.linalg.LinAlgError: zcoeff[j,:] = 9e99 return cp.asarray(zcoeff) else: try: res = lsq_linear(M, y, bounds=bounds, method='bvls') zcoeff = res.x except np.linalg.LinAlgError: raise return zcoeff else: raise NotImplementedError("The solve_algorithm "+solve_algorithm+" is not implemented.")