Source code for


redrock wrapper tools for DESI
import os
import sys
import re
import warnings
import traceback
import itertools

import argparse

import numpy as np

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

from import encode_table
from desiutil.depend import add_dependencies, setdep

from desispec.resolution import Resolution
from desispec.coaddition import coadd_fibermap
from desispec.specscore import compute_coadd_tsnr_scores
from desispec.maskbits import fibermask
from import get_tempfilename
from import annotate_fibermap

from ..utils import elapsed, get_mp, distribute_work, getGPUCountMPI

from ..targets import (Spectrum, Target, DistTargets)

from ..templates import load_dist_templates

from ..results import write_zscan

from ..zfind import zfind

from ..zwarning import ZWarningMask

from .._version import __version__

from ..archetypes import All_archetypes, Archetype

[docs]def _get_header(templates, archetypes=None, spec_header=None): """Get standardized header with template and archetype versions Args: templates : list or dict of template objects Options: archetypes : list or dict of Archetype objects spec_header (dict-like): header of HDU 0 of input spectra/coadd """ if isinstance(templates, dict): templates = templates.values() if isinstance(archetypes, dict): archetypes = archetypes.values() header = fits.Header() header['LONGSTRN'] = 'OGIP 1.0' header['RRVER'] = (__version__, 'Redrock version') for i, t in enumerate(templates): header[f'TEMNAM{i:02d}'] = t.full_type header[f'TEMVER{i:02d}'] = t.version header[f'TEMFIL{i:02d}'] = os.path.basename(t.filename) if archetypes is not None: for i, atyp in enumerate(archetypes): header[f'ARCNAM{i:02d}'] = atyp.template_type header[f'ARCVER{i:02d}'] = atyp.version header[f'ARCFIL{i:02d}'] = os.path.basename(atyp.filename) # record code versions and key environment variables add_dependencies(header) for key in ['RR_TEMPLATE_DIR', 'RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR']: if key in os.environ: setdep(header, key, os.environ[key]) if spec_header is not None: for key in ('SPGRP', 'SPGRPVAL', 'TILEID', 'SPECTRO', 'PETAL', 'NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'HPXPIXEL', 'HPXNSIDE', 'HPXNEST', 'SURVEY', 'PROGRAM', 'FAPRGRM'): if key in spec_header: header[key] = spec_header[key] return header
[docs]def write_zbest(outfile, zbest, fibermap, exp_fibermap, tsnr2, templates, archetypes=None, spec_header=None): """Write zbest and fibermap Tables to outfile Args: outfile (str): output path. zbest (Table): best fit table. fibermap (Table): the coadded fibermap from the original inputs. tsnr2 (Table): table of input coadded TSNR2 values exp_fibermap (Table): the per-exposure fibermap from the orig inputs. templates : list or dict of template objects Options: archetypes : list or dict of Archetype objects spec_header (dict-like): header of HDU 0 of input spectra Modifies input tables.meta['EXTNAME'] """ header = _get_header(templates, archetypes, spec_header) zbest.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'REDSHIFTS' fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP' exp_fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'EXP_FIBERMAP' tsnr2.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'TSNR2' hx = fits.HDUList() hx.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)) hx.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(zbest)) # ADM annotate_fibermap adds units to fibermap HDUs. hx.append(annotate_fibermap(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(fibermap))) hx.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(exp_fibermap)) hx.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(tsnr2)) outfile = os.path.expandvars(outfile) outdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(outfile)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) tempfile = outfile + '.tmp' hx.writeto(tempfile, overwrite=True) os.rename(tempfile, outfile) return
[docs]def write_bestmodel(outfile, zbest, modeldict, wavedict, templates, archetypes=None, spec_header=None): """ Writes best fit redrock model in the outfile Args: outfile (str): output file name (fits) zbest (Table): best fit redshift table modeldict (dict): models[ntargets, nwave] keyed by camera band wavedict (dict): wavelength dictionary keyed by camera band templates : list or dict of template objects Options: archetypes : list or dict of Archetype objects spec_header (dict-like): header of HDU 0 of input spectra The output file format mirrors the structure of an input coadd, with B/R/Z_MODEL HDUs instead of B/R/Z_FLUX HDUs. """ header = _get_header(templates, archetypes, spec_header) zbest.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'REDSHIFTS' hx = fits.HDUList() hx.append(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)) hx.append(fits.convenience.table_to_hdu(zbest)) for band in wavedict.keys(): BAND = band.upper() hdu = fits.ImageHDU(name=f'{BAND}_WAVELENGTH') = wavedict[band] hdu.header["BUNIT"] = "Angstrom" hx.append(hdu) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(name=f'{BAND}_MODEL') = modeldict[band].astype('float32') hx.append(hdu) outfile = os.path.expandvars(outfile) outdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(outfile)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) tempfile = get_tempfilename(outfile) hx.writeto(tempfile, overwrite=True) os.rename(tempfile, outfile) return
[docs]class DistTargetsDESI(DistTargets): """Distributed targets for DESI. DESI spectral data is grouped by sky location, but is just a random collection of spectra for all targets. Read this into memory while grouping by target ID, preserving order in which each target first appears. We pass through the spectra files once to compute all the book-keeping associated with regrouping the spectra by target. Then we pass through again and actually read and distribute the data. Args: spectrafiles (str or list): a list of input files or pattern match of files. coadd (bool): if False, do not compute the coadds. targetids (list): (optional) restrict the global set of target IDs to this list. first_target (int): (optional) integer offset of the first target to consider in each file. Useful for debugging / testing. n_target (int): (optional) number of targets to consider in each file. Useful for debugging / testing. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): (optional) the MPI communicator. cache_Rcsr: pre-calculate and cache sparse CSR format of resolution matrix R cosmics_nsig (float): cosmic rejection threshold used in coaddition negflux_nsig (float): mask negative flux significance threshold capacities (list): (optional) list of process capacities. If None, use equal capacity per process. A process with higher capacity can handle more work. """ ### @profile def __init__(self, spectrafiles, coadd=True, targetids=None, first_target=None, n_target=None, comm=None, cache_Rcsr=False, cosmics_nsig=0, negflux_nsig=5, capacities=None): comm_size = 1 comm_rank = 0 if comm is not None: comm_size = comm.size comm_rank = comm.rank # check the file list if isinstance(spectrafiles, str): import glob spectrafiles = glob.glob(spectrafiles) assert len(spectrafiles) > 0 self._spectrafiles = spectrafiles self.cosmics_nsig = cosmics_nsig # This is the mapping between specs to targets for each file self._spec_to_target = {} self._target_specs = {} self._spec_keep = {} self._spec_sliced = {} # The bands for each file self._bands = {} self._wave = {} # The full list of targets from all files self._alltargetids = list() # The fibermaps from all files self._coadd_fmaps = {} self._exp_fmaps = {} self._tsnr2 = {} #- template signal-to-noise from SCORES self.header0 = None #- header 0 of the first spectrafile for sfile in spectrafiles: hdus = None nhdu = None input_coadded = 'unknown' coadd_fmap = None exp_fmap = None tsnr2 = None if comm_rank == 0: hdus =, memmap=False) nhdu = len(hdus) if self.header0 is None: self.header0 = hdus[0].header.copy() if 'EXP_FIBERMAP' in hdus: input_coadded = True coadd_fmap = encode_table(Table(hdus["FIBERMAP"].data, copy=True).as_array()) exp_fmap = encode_table(Table(hdus["EXP_FIBERMAP"].data, copy=True).as_array()) tsnr2 = encode_table(Table(hdus["SCORES"].data, copy=True).as_array()) for col in tsnr2.colnames.copy(): if col == 'TARGETID' or col.startswith('TSNR2_'): continue else: tsnr2.remove_column(col) else: input_coadded = False tmpfmap = encode_table(Table(hdus["FIBERMAP"].data, copy=True).as_array()) assert 'COADD_NUMEXP' not in tmpfmap.dtype.names if np.all(tmpfmap['TILEID'] == tmpfmap['TILEID'][0]): onetile = True else: onetile = False coadd_fmap, exp_fmap = coadd_fibermap(tmpfmap, onetile=onetile) scores = encode_table(Table(hdus["SCORES"].data, copy=True).as_array()) tsnr2 = Table(compute_coadd_tsnr_scores(scores)[0]) #- we later rely upon exp_fmap having same order as the #- uncoadded input fmap, so check that now assert np.all(exp_fmap['TARGETID'] == tmpfmap['TARGETID']) if comm is not None: nhdu = comm.bcast(nhdu, root=0) input_coadded = comm.bcast(input_coadded, root=0) coadd_fmap = comm.bcast(coadd_fmap, root=0) exp_fmap = comm.bcast(exp_fmap, root=0) tsnr2 = comm.bcast(tsnr2, root=0) self.header0 = comm.bcast(self.header0, root=0) # Now every process has the fibermap and number of HDUs. Build the # mapping between spectral rows and target IDs. if targetids is None: keep_targetids = coadd_fmap["TARGETID"] else: keep_targetids = targetids # Select a subset of the target range from each file if desired. if first_target is None: first_target = 0 if first_target > len(keep_targetids): raise RuntimeError("first_target value \"{}\" is beyond the " "number of selected targets in the file".\ format(first_target)) if n_target is None: nkeep = len(keep_targetids) else: nkeep = n_target if first_target + nkeep > len(keep_targetids): msg = "Requested first_target ({}) + nkeep ({})".format( first_target, nkeep) msg += " is larger than number of selected targets ({})".format( len(keep_targetids)) raise RuntimeError(msg) keep_targetids = keep_targetids[first_target:first_target+nkeep] self._alltargetids.extend(keep_targetids) # This is the spectral row to target mapping using the original # global indices (before slicing). if input_coadded: input_targetids = coadd_fmap['TARGETID'] else: input_targetids = exp_fmap['TARGETID'] self._spec_to_target[sfile] = [ x if y in keep_targetids else -1 \ for x, y in enumerate(input_targetids) ] # The reduced set of spectral rows. self._spec_keep[sfile] = [ x for x in self._spec_to_target[sfile] \ if x >= 0 ] # The mapping between original spectral indices and the sliced ones self._spec_sliced[sfile] = { x : y for y, x in \ enumerate(self._spec_keep[sfile]) } # Slice the fibermap to keep just the requested targets keep_coadd = np.isin(coadd_fmap['TARGETID'], keep_targetids) self._coadd_fmaps[sfile] = coadd_fmap[keep_coadd] self._tsnr2[sfile] = tsnr2[keep_coadd] keep_exp = np.isin(exp_fmap['TARGETID'], keep_targetids) self._exp_fmaps[sfile] = exp_fmap[keep_exp] if input_coadded: input_targetids = input_targetids[keep_coadd] else: input_targetids = input_targetids[keep_exp] # For each target, store the sliced row index of all spectra, # so that we can do a fast lookup later. self._target_specs[sfile] = {} for id in keep_targetids: self._target_specs[sfile][id] = [ x for x, y in \ enumerate(input_targetids) if y == id ] # We need some more metadata information for each file- # specifically, the bands that are used and their wavelength grids. # That information will allow us to pre-allocate our local target # list and then fill that with one pass through all HDUs in the # files. self._bands[sfile] = [] self._wave[sfile] = dict() if comm_rank == 0: for h in range(nhdu): name = None if "EXTNAME" not in hdus[h].header: continue name = hdus[h].header["EXTNAME"] mat = re.match(r"(.*)_(.*)", name) if mat is None: continue band = htype = if htype == "WAVELENGTH": if band not in self._bands[sfile]: self._bands[sfile].append(band) self._wave[sfile][band] = \ hdus[h].data.astype(np.float64).copy() if comm is not None: self._bands[sfile] = comm.bcast(self._bands[sfile], root=0) self._wave[sfile] = comm.bcast(self._wave[sfile], root=0) if comm_rank == 0: hdus.close() # _alltargetids can have repeats from multiple files. Trim to # unique set while retaining order in which they appeared sortedidx = np.unique(self._alltargetids, return_index=True)[1] ii = np.argsort(sortedidx) unique_targetids = np.asarray(self._alltargetids)[sortedidx[ii]] self._alltargetids = unique_targetids self._keep_targets = unique_targetids.copy() # Now we have the metadata for all targets in all files. Distribute # the targets among process weighted by the amount of work to do for # each target. This weight is either "1" if we are going to use coadds # or the number of spectra if we are using all the data. tweights = None if not coadd: tweights = dict() for t in self._keep_targets: tweights[t] = 0 for sfile in spectrafiles: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: tweights[t] += len(self._target_specs[sfile][t]) self.capacities = capacities if self.capacities is None: self.is_lopsided = False self._proc_targets = distribute_work(comm_size, self._keep_targets, weights=tweights) else: self.is_lopsided = True self._proc_targets = distribute_work(comm_size, self._keep_targets, weights=tweights, capacities=self.capacities) self._my_targets = self._proc_targets[comm_rank] # Reverse mapping- target ID to index in our list self._my_target_indx = {y : x for x, y in enumerate(self._my_targets)} # Now every process has its local target IDs assigned. Pre-create our # local target list with empty spectral data (except for wavelengths) self._my_data = list() for t in self._my_targets: speclist = list() for sfile in spectrafiles: for b in self._bands[sfile]: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: nspec = len(self._target_specs[sfile][t]) for s in range(nspec): sindx = self._target_specs[sfile][t][s] speclist.append(Spectrum(wave=self._wave[sfile][b], flux=None, ivar=None, R=None, band=b)) self._my_data.append(Target(t, speclist, coadd=False)) # Iterate over the data and broadcast. Every process selects the rows # of each table that contain pieces of local target data and copies it # into place. # these are for tracking offsets within the spectra for each target. tspec_flux = { x : 0 for x in self._my_targets } tspec_ivar = tspec_flux.copy() tspec_mask = tspec_flux.copy() tspec_res = tspec_flux.copy() for sfile in spectrafiles: rows = self._spec_keep[sfile] if len(rows) == 0: continue hdus = None if comm_rank == 0: hdus =, memmap=False) for b in self._bands[sfile]: extname = "{}_{}".format(b.upper(), "FLUX") hdata = None badflux = None if comm_rank == 0: hdata = hdus[extname].data[rows] # check for NaN and Inf here (should never happen of course) badflux = np.isnan(hdata) | np.isinf(hdata) | np.isneginf(hdata) hdata[badflux] = 0.0 if comm is not None: hdata = comm.bcast(hdata, root=0) badflux = comm.bcast(badflux, root=0) toff = 0 for t in self._my_targets: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: for trow in self._target_specs[sfile][t]: self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_flux[t]].flux = \ hdata[trow].astype(np.float64).copy() tspec_flux[t] += 1 toff += 1 extname = "{}_{}".format(b.upper(), "IVAR") hdata = None if comm_rank == 0: hdata = hdus[extname].data[rows] # check for NaN and Inf here (should never happen of course) bad = np.isnan(hdata) | np.isinf(hdata) | np.isneginf(hdata) hdata[bad] = 0.0 hdata[badflux] = 0.0 # also set ivar=0 to bad flux if comm is not None: hdata = comm.bcast(hdata, root=0) toff = 0 for t in self._my_targets: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: for trow in self._target_specs[sfile][t]: self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_ivar[t]].ivar = \ hdata[trow].astype(np.float64).copy() # mask significantly negative data (set ivar to 0) sigma = self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_ivar[t]].flux * \ np.sqrt(self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_ivar[t]].ivar) bignegflux = (sigma<-abs(negflux_nsig)) self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_ivar[t]].ivar[bignegflux] = 0.0 tspec_ivar[t] += 1 toff += 1 extname = "{}_{}".format(b.upper(), "MASK") hdata = None if comm_rank == 0: if extname in hdus: hdata = hdus[extname].data[rows] if comm is not None: hdata = comm.bcast(hdata, root=0) if hdata is not None: toff = 0 for t in self._my_targets: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: for trow in self._target_specs[sfile][t]: self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_mask[t]]\ .ivar *= (hdata[trow] == 0) tspec_mask[t] += 1 toff += 1 extname = "{}_{}".format(b.upper(), "RESOLUTION") hdata = None if comm_rank == 0: hdata = hdus[extname].data[rows] if comm is not None: hdata = comm.bcast(hdata, root=0) toff = 0 for t in self._my_targets: if t in self._target_specs[sfile]: for trow in self._target_specs[sfile][t]: dia = Resolution(hdata[trow].astype(np.float64)) self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_res[t]].R = dia #- Coadds replace Rcsr so only compute if not coadding if not coadd and cache_Rcsr: self._my_data[toff].spectra[tspec_res[t]].Rcsr = dia.tocsr() tspec_res[t] += 1 toff += 1 del hdata if comm_rank == 0: hdus.close() # Compute the coadds now if we are going to use those if coadd: for t in self._my_data: t.compute_coadd(cache_Rcsr,cosmics_nsig=self.cosmics_nsig) self.fibermap = Table(np.hstack([ self._coadd_fmaps[x] \ for x in self._spectrafiles ])) self.exp_fibermap = Table(np.hstack([ self._exp_fmaps[x] \ for x in self._spectrafiles ])) self.tsnr2 = Table(np.hstack([ self._tsnr2[x] \ for x in self._spectrafiles ])) super(DistTargetsDESI, self).__init__(self._keep_targets, comm=comm) def _local_target_ids(self): return self._my_targets def _local_data(self): return self._my_data
[docs]def rrdesi(options=None, comm=None): """Estimate redshifts for DESI targets. This loads distributed DESI targets from one or more spectra grouping files and computes the redshifts. The outputs are written to a redrock scan file and a DESI redshift catalog. Args: options (list): optional list of commandline options to parse. comm (mpi4py.Comm): MPI communicator to use. """ global_start = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Estimate redshifts from" " DESI target spectra.") parser.add_argument("-t", "--templates", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="template file or directory") parser.add_argument("--archetypes", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="archetype file or directory for final redshift comparison") parser.add_argument("--archetype-legendre-degree", type=int, default=2, required=False, help="if archetypes are provided legendre polynomials upto deg_legendre-1 will be used (default is 2)") parser.add_argument("--archetype-nnearest", type=int, default=None, required=False, help="number of nearest archetypes (in chi2 space) to be used in archetype modeling, must be greater than 1 (default is None)") parser.add_argument("--archetype-legendre-percamera", default=True, action="store_true", required=False, help="If True, in archetype mode the fitting will be done for each camera/band") parser.add_argument("--archetype-legendre-prior", type=float, default=0.1, required=False, help="sigma to add as prior in solving linear equation, 1/sig**2 will be added, default is 0.1, Note: provide anything <=0 if you do not want to add any prior") parser.add_argument("--archetypes-no-legendre", default=False, action="store_true", required=False, help="Use this flag with archetypes if want to TURN OFF all archetype related default values") parser.add_argument("--zminfit-npoints", type=int, default=15, required=False, help="number of finer redshift to be used around best fit redshifts (default is 15)") parser.add_argument("-d", "--details", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="output file for full redrock fit details") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="output FITS file with best redshift per target") parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="output FITS file containing spectral model") parser.add_argument("--targetids", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="comma-separated list of target IDs") parser.add_argument("--mintarget", type=int, default=None, required=False, help="first target to process in each file") parser.add_argument("--priors", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="optional redshift prior file") parser.add_argument("--chi2-scan", type=str, default=None, required=False, help="Load the chi2-scan from the input file") parser.add_argument("--zscan-galaxy", type=str, default='-0.005,1.7,3e-4', required=False, help="Redshift scan parameters for galaxies: zmin,zmax,dz") parser.add_argument("--zscan-qso", type=str, default='0.05,6.0,5e-4', required=False, help="Redshift scan parameters for QSO: zmin,zmax,dz") parser.add_argument("--zscan-star", type=str, default='-0.002,0.00201,4e-5', required=False, help="Redshift scan parameters for stars: zmin,zmax,dz") parser.add_argument("-n", "--ntargets", type=int, required=False, help="the number of targets to process in each file") parser.add_argument("--nminima", type=int, default=None, required=False, help="the number of redshift minima to search") parser.add_argument("--allspec", default=False, action="store_true", required=False, help="use individual spectra instead of coadd") parser.add_argument("--ncpu", type=int, default=None, required=False, help="DEPRECATED: the number of multiprocessing" " processes; use --mp instead") parser.add_argument("--mp", type=int, default=0, required=False, help="if not using MPI, the number of multiprocessing" " processes to use (defaults to half of the hardware threads)") parser.add_argument("--no-skymask", default=False, action="store_true", required=False, help="Do not do extra masking of sky lines") parser.add_argument("--no-mpi-abort", default=False, action="store_true", required=False, help="Do not call MPI Abort upon failure of a single rank") parser.add_argument("--debug", default=False, action="store_true", required=False, help="debug with ipython (only if communicator has a " "single process)") parser.add_argument("--cosmics-nsig", type=float, default=0, required=False, help="n sigma cosmic ray threshold in coaddition") parser.add_argument("--negflux-nsig", type=float, default=5, required=False, help="n sigma negative flux mask threshold") parser.add_argument("-i", "--infiles", nargs='+', required=True, help="Input spectra, coadd, or cframe files") parser.add_argument("--gpu", action="store_true", required=False, help="use GPUs") parser.add_argument("--max-gpuprocs", type=int, default=None, required=False, help="limit number of MPI processes using GPUs") args = None if options is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(options) if args.ncpu is not None: print('WARNING: --ncpu is deprecated; use --mp instead') = args.ncpu comm_size = 1 comm_rank = 0 if comm is not None: comm_size = comm.size comm_rank = comm.rank # Check arguments- all processes have this, so just check on the first # process # if user sets --nminima, use that if args.nminima is not None: nminima = args.nminima # otherwise use different defaults for archetypes vs. non-archetypes elif args.archetypes is None: nminima = 3 # default for non-archetypes else: nminima = 9 # default for archetypes if comm_rank == 0: if args.debug and comm_size != 1: print("--debug can only be used if the communicator has one " " process") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() if (args.details is None) and (args.outfile is None): parser.print_help() print("ERROR: --details or --outfile required") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) if len(args.infiles) == 0: print("ERROR: must provide input files") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) if (args.targetids is not None) and ((args.mintarget is not None) \ or (args.ntargets is not None)): print("ERROR: cannot select targets by both ID and range") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) if args.gpu: try: import cupy gpu_ok = cupy.is_available() except ImportError: gpu_ok = False if not gpu_ok: print("ERROR: cupy or GPU not available") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) if args.archetypes is not None: print('\n===== Archetype argument is provided, doing necessary checks=======\n') if os.path.exists(args.archetypes) and os.access(args.archetypes, os.R_OK): if os.path.isdir(args.archetypes): if os.listdir(args.archetypes): print('Archetype directory exists and readable and it is not empty..') print('Archetype will be applied to all spectype') else: print('ERROR: Archetype directory is empty') sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) if os.path.isfile(args.archetypes): print('Archetype is a file and it exists and readable') print('Archetype will only be applied to SPECTYPE %s'%(os.path.basename(args.archetypes).split('-')[1].split('.')[0].upper())) else: print("ERROR: can't find archetypes_dir or it is unreadable") sys.stdout.flush() if comm is not None: comm.Abort() else: sys.exit(1) #- All ranks read the archetypes file(s) archetypes = None if args.archetypes is not None: archetypes = All_archetypes(archetypes_dir=args.archetypes, verbose=(comm_rank==0)).archetypes targetids = None if args.targetids is not None: targetids = [ int(x) for x in args.targetids.split(",") ] n_target = None if args.ntargets is not None: n_target = args.ntargets first_target = None if args.mintarget is not None: first_target = args.mintarget elif n_target is not None: first_target = 0 # Multiprocessing processes to use if MPI is disabled. mpprocs = 0 if comm is None: mpprocs = get_mp( print("Running with {} processes".format(mpprocs)) if "OMP_NUM_THREADS" in os.environ: nthread = int(os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]) if nthread != 1: print("WARNING: {} multiprocesses running, each with " "{} threads ({} total)".format(mpprocs, nthread, mpprocs*nthread)) print("WARNING: Please ensure this is <= the number of " "physical cores on the system") else: print("WARNING: using multiprocessing, but the OMP_NUM_THREADS") print("WARNING: environment variable is not set- your system may") print("WARNING: be oversubscribed.") sys.stdout.flush() elif comm_rank == 0: print("Running with {} processes".format(comm_size)) sys.stdout.flush() # GPU configuration if args.gpu: # Determine which processes will use a GPU if args.max_gpuprocs is not None: max_gpuprocs = args.max_gpuprocs else: #Check actual number of GPUs available if (comm is not None): #Use custom method that checks PCI ids for MPI max_gpuprocs = getGPUCountMPI(comm) else: #cupy getDeviceCount works for non MPI import cupy max_gpuprocs = cupy.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount() use_gpu = comm_rank < max_gpuprocs # Determine cpu/gpu process capacities for target distribution if comm is not None: gpu_proc_flags = comm.allgather(use_gpu) else: gpu_proc_flags = [use_gpu, ] if (mpprocs > 1): #Force mpprocs == 1 for multiprocessing mode with GPU print("WARNING: using GPU mode without MPI requires --mp 1") print("WARNING: Overriding {} multiprocesses to force this.".format(mpprocs)) print("WARNING: Running with 1 process.") mpprocs = 1 ngpu_procs = sum(gpu_proc_flags) ncpu_procs = comm_size - ngpu_procs if ngpu_procs > 0 and ncpu_procs > 0: # On Perlmutter, 1:15 seems like a good ratio #capacities = [1 if is_gpu_proc else 1.0/15 for is_gpu_proc in gpu_proc_flags] #With new GPU implementation of zscan, use 1:10000 so that only GPU-enabled #procs get allocated targets capacities = [1 if is_gpu_proc else 1.0/10000 for is_gpu_proc in gpu_proc_flags] else: capacities = None # Redistribute templates after rebinning when using GPUs redistribute_templates = True else: use_gpu = False capacities = None redistribute_templates = False try: # Load and distribute the targets if comm_rank == 0: print("Loading targets...") sys.stdout.flush() start = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) # Load the targets. If comm is None, then the target data will be # stored in shared memory. targets = DistTargetsDESI(args.infiles, coadd=(not args.allspec), targetids=targetids, first_target=first_target, n_target=n_target, comm=comm, cache_Rcsr=True, cosmics_nsig=args.cosmics_nsig, negflux_nsig=abs(args.negflux_nsig), capacities=capacities) #- Mask some problematic sky lines if not args.no_skymask: for t in targets.local(): for s in t.spectra: ii = (5572. <= s.wave) & (s.wave <= 5582.) ii |= (9792. <= s.wave) & (s.wave <= 9795.) s.ivar[ii] = 0.0 # Get the dictionary of wavelength grids (with keys as wavehashes) dwave = targets.wavegrids() ncamera = len(list(dwave.keys())) # number of cameras for given instrument if args.archetypes_no_legendre or args.archetypes is None: if comm_rank == 0: print('no archetypes or --archetypes-no-legendre; will turn off all the Legendre related arguments') archetype_legendre_prior = None archetype_legendre_degree =0 archetype_legendre_percamera = False else: if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('Will be using default archetype values.') print('Number of minimum redshift for which archetype redshift fitting will be done = %d'%(nminima)) if ncamera>=1: archetype_legendre_percamera = True if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('Number of cameras = %d, percamera fitting will be done'%(ncamera)) else: archetype_legendre_percamera = False if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('No per camera fitting will be done.') if args.archetype_legendre_degree>0: if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('legendre polynomials of degrees %s will be added to Archetypes'%([i for i in range(args.archetype_legendre_degree)])) else: if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('No Legendre polynomial will be added to archetypes.') if args.archetype_legendre_prior<=0: archetype_legendre_prior = None printstr = 'no' else: archetype_legendre_prior = args.archetype_legendre_prior printstr = 'a' if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: if archetype_legendre_prior is None: print('A zero or negative prior is provided so setting archetype_legendre_prior = None') print('archetype_legendre_prior = %s has been provided, so %s prior will be added while solving for the coefficients'%(archetype_legendre_prior, printstr)) if args.archetype_nnearest is not None: if comm_rank == 0 and args.archetypes is not None: print('nearest neighbour = %d is provided, will do the final fitting for N-best nearest archetypes in chi2 space..'%(args.archetype_nnearest)) stop = elapsed(start, "Read and distribution of {} targets"\ .format(len(targets.all_target_ids)), comm=comm) # Read the template data # Pass both use_gpu (this proc) and args.gpu (if any proc is using GPU) dtemplates = load_dist_templates(dwave, templates=args.templates, zscan_galaxy=args.zscan_galaxy, zscan_qso=args.zscan_qso, zscan_star=args.zscan_star, comm=comm, mp_procs=mpprocs, redistribute=redistribute_templates, use_gpu=use_gpu, gpu_mode=args.gpu) # Compute the redshifts, including both the coarse scan and the # refinement. This function only returns data on the rank 0 process. start = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) scandata, zfit = zfind(targets, dtemplates, mpprocs, nminima=nminima, archetypes=archetypes, priors=args.priors, chi2_scan=args.chi2_scan, use_gpu=use_gpu, zminfit_npoints=args.zminfit_npoints, per_camera=archetype_legendre_percamera, deg_legendre=args.archetype_legendre_degree, n_nearest=args.archetype_nnearest, prior_sigma=archetype_legendre_prior, ncamera=ncamera) stop = elapsed(start, "Computing redshifts", comm=comm) zbest = None # Set some DESI-specific ZWARN bits from input fibermap if comm_rank == 0: fiberstatus = targets.fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS'] poorpos = (fiberstatus & fibermask.POORPOSITION) != 0 badpos = (fiberstatus & fibermask.BADPOSITION) != 0 broken = (fiberstatus & fibermask.BROKENFIBER) != 0 unassigned = (fiberstatus & fibermask.UNASSIGNED) != 0 bad = targets.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'BAD' sky = targets.fibermap['OBJTYPE'] == 'SKY' badcoverage = np.zeros(len(fiberstatus), dtype=bool) for key in ('BADCOLUMN', 'BADAMPB', 'BADAMPR', 'BADAMPZ'): if key in fibermask.names(): badcoverage |= (fiberstatus & fibermask.mask(key)) != 0 targetids = targets.fibermap['TARGETID'] ii = np.isin(zfit['targetid'], targetids[poorpos]) zfit['zwarn'][ii] |= ZWarningMask.POORDATA ii = np.isin(zfit['targetid'], targetids[badpos | broken | unassigned | bad]) zfit['zwarn'][ii] |= ZWarningMask.NODATA # ADM set NODATA cases to z=0, GALAXY with zero coefficients. zfit['spectype'][ii] = 'GALAXY' zfit['subtype'][ii] = '' zfit['coeff'][ii] = 0. # ADM enforce 4-string in case we've only populated PCA/NMF. zfit['fitmethod'] = zfit['fitmethod'].astype('U4') zfit['fitmethod'][ii] = 'NONE' ii = np.isin(zfit['targetid'], targetids[broken]) zfit['zwarn'][ii] |= ZWarningMask.UNPLUGGED ii = np.isin(zfit['targetid'], targetids[sky]) zfit['zwarn'][ii] |= ZWarningMask.SKY ii = np.isin(zfit['targetid'], targetids[badcoverage]) zfit['zwarn'][ii] |= ZWarningMask.LITTLE_COVERAGE # gather templates and archetypes for final I/O header metadata templates = dict() for dt in dtemplates: spectype = dt.template.template_type subtype = dt.template.sub_type templates[(spectype,subtype)] = dt.template archetypes = None if not args.archetypes is None: archetypes = All_archetypes(archetypes_dir=args.archetypes, verbose=(comm_rank==0)).archetypes # Write the outputs if args.details is not None: start = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) if comm_rank == 0: write_zscan(args.details, scandata, zfit, clobber=True) stop = elapsed(start, "Writing zscan data took", comm=comm) if args.outfile: start = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) if comm_rank == 0: zbest = zfit[zfit['znum'] == 0] # Remove extra columns not needed for zbest zbest.remove_columns(['zz', 'zzchi2', 'znum']) # Change to upper case like SDSS / DESI for colname in zbest.colnames: if colname.islower(): zbest.rename_column(colname, colname.upper()) # Allow 4 char for ARCH (vs. PCA/NMF) even if archetypes aren't used zbest['FITMETHOD'] = zbest['FITMETHOD'].astype('U4') write_zbest(args.outfile, zbest, targets.fibermap, targets.exp_fibermap, targets.tsnr2, templates, archetypes=archetypes, spec_header=targets.header0) if comm is not None: zbest = comm.bcast(zbest, root=0) stop = elapsed(start, f"Writing {args.outfile} took", comm=comm) #- Evaluate models if args.model is not None: #- Evaluate best-fit models for local targets, #- then collect into all_models on rank 0 local_models = targets.eval_models(zbest, templates, archetypes) local_targetids = targets.local_target_ids() if targets.comm is not None: all_models = targets.comm.gather(local_models, root=0) all_targetids = targets.comm.gather(local_targetids, root=0) else: all_models = [local_models,] all_targetids = [local_targetids,] stop = elapsed(start, f"Evaluating best fit models took", comm=comm) if comm_rank == 0: #- collapse list of lists of dictionaries -> single list of dictionaries all_models = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(all_models)) #- find sort orrder to match zbest all_targetids = np.concatenate(all_targetids) xsorted = np.argsort(all_targetids) ypos = np.searchsorted(all_targetids[xsorted], zbest['TARGETID']) sort_indices = xsorted[ypos] #- double check sorting all_targetids = np.array(all_targetids)[sort_indices] np.testing.assert_array_equal(zbest['TARGETID'].data, all_targetids) #- convert list[targets] of dict[bands] into dict[band] of sorted array[targets] #- for DESI, the wavegrid keys = wavehashes = camera bands b/r/z all_models_dict = dict() wave_dict = targets.wavegrids() for band in wave_dict: all_models_dict[band] = np.vstack([m[band] for m in all_models])[sort_indices] write_bestmodel(args.model, zbest, all_models_dict, wave_dict, templates, archetypes, spec_header=targets.header0) stop = elapsed(start, f"Writing {args.model} took", comm=comm) except Exception as err: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) lines = [ "Proc {}: {}".format(comm_rank, x) for x in lines ] print("--- Process {} raised an exception ---".format(comm_rank)) print("".join(lines)) sys.stdout.flush() if comm is None or args.no_mpi_abort: raise err else: comm.Abort() global_stop = elapsed(global_start, "Total run time", comm=comm) if args.debug: import IPython IPython.embed() return