Source code for redrock.templates


Classes and functions for templates.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import sys
from glob import glob
import os
import traceback

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table
from fitsio import FITS

from .utils import native_endian, elapsed
from .igm import transmission_Lyman
from .rebin import rebin_template, trapz_rebin
from .zscan import spectral_data

valid_template_methods = ('PCA', 'NMF')

[docs]class Template(object): """A spectral Template PCA object. The template data is read from a redrock-format template file. Alternatively, the data can be specified in the constructor. Args: filename (str): the path to the template file, either absolute or relative to the RR_TEMPLATE_DIR environment variable. """ def __init__(self, filename=None, spectype=None, redshifts=None, wave=None, flux=None, subtype=None, method='PCA', igm_model='Inoue14', zscan_galaxy=None, zscan_qso=None, zscan_star=None, version=None): self._filename = filename if filename is not None: fx = None if os.path.exists(filename): fx =, memmap=False) else: xfilename = os.path.join(os.getenv('RR_TEMPLATE_DIR'), filename) if os.path.exists(xfilename): fx =, memmap=False) else: raise IOError('unable to find '+filename) hdr = fx['BASIS_VECTORS'].header if 'VERSION' in hdr: self._version = hdr['VERSION'] else: self._version = 'unknown' self.wave = np.asarray(hdr['CRVAL1'] + \ hdr['CDELT1']*np.arange(hdr['NAXIS1']), dtype=np.float64) if 'LOGLAM' in hdr and hdr['LOGLAM'] != 0: self.wave = 10**self.wave self.flux = np.asarray(native_endian(fx['BASIS_VECTORS'].data), dtype=np.float64) self._redshifts = None if 'RRMETHOD' in hdr: self._method = hdr['RRMETHOD'].upper() else: self._method = 'PCA' ## find out if redshift info is present in the file old_style_templates = True try: self._redshifts = native_endian(fx['REDSHIFTS'].data) old_style_templates = False except KeyError: pass fx.close() self._rrtype = hdr['RRTYPE'].strip().upper() if old_style_templates: if self._rrtype == 'GALAXY': if zscan_galaxy is not None: zmin, zmax, dz = zscan_galaxy.split(',') self._redshifts = 10**np.arange(np.log10(1+float(zmin)), np.log10(1+float(zmax)), float(dz)) - 1 else: self._redshifts = 10**np.arange(np.log10(1-0.005), np.log10(1+1.7), 3e-4) - 1 elif self._rrtype == 'STAR': if zscan_star is not None: zmin, zmax, dz = zscan_star.split(',') self._redshifts = np.arange(float(zmin), float(zmax), float(dz)) else: self._redshifts = np.arange(-0.002, 0.00201, 4e-5) elif self._rrtype == 'QSO': if zscan_qso is not None: zmin, zmax, dz = zscan_qso.split(',') self._redshifts = 10**np.arange(np.log10(1+float(zmin)), np.log10(1+float(zmax)), float(dz)) - 1 else: self._redshifts = 10**np.arange(np.log10(1+0.05), np.log10(1+6.0), 5e-4) - 1 else: raise ValueError("Unknown redshift range to use for " "template type {}".format(self._rrtype)) zmin = self._redshifts[0] zmax = self._redshifts[-1] # print("DEBUG: Using default redshift range {:.4f}-{:.4f} for " # "{}".format(zmin, zmax, os.path.basename(filename))) else: zmin = self._redshifts[0] zmax = self._redshifts[-1] # print("DEBUG: Using redshift range {:.4f}-{:.4f} for " # "{}".format(zmin, zmax, os.path.basename(filename))) self._subtype = None if 'RRSUBTYP' in hdr: self._subtype = hdr['RRSUBTYP'].strip().upper() else: self._subtype = '' if 'RRIGM' in hdr: self._igm_model = hdr['RRIGM'] else: #- auto-derive IGM model from known versions of pre-2024 #- templates without RRIGM keyword if self._rrtype == 'STAR': self._igm_model = 'None' elif self._rrtype == 'GALAXY' and self._version == '2.6': # not actually needed for these galaxy templates that # only go to z=1.7, but set anyway self._igm_model = 'Calura12' elif self._rrtype == 'QSO' and self._version in ('0.1', '1.0'): self._igm_model = 'Calura12' elif self._rrtype == 'QSO' and self._version == '1.1': self._igm_model = 'Kamble20' else: raise ValueError('Missing keyword RRIGM specifying IGM model to use') else: self._rrtype = spectype self._redshifts = redshifts self.wave = wave self.flux = flux self._subtype = subtype self._igm_model = igm_model self._method = method self._version = version self._nbasis = self.flux.shape[0] self._nwave = self.flux.shape[1] #It is much more efficient to copy wave and flux to GPU once #and store here rather than doing this every time, and keep track #of min and max wave as scalars on CPU self.minwave = self.wave[0] self.maxwave = self.wave[-1] self.gpuwave = None self.gpuflux = None if self._method not in valid_template_methods: raise ValueError(f'Template method {self._method} unrecognized; ' f'should be one of {valid_template_methods}') # Special case for GALAXY templates and PCA fitting, which can include # negative templates or coefficients: Cache a template that covers just # [OII]. if self._rrtype == 'GALAXY' and self._method == "PCA": isOII = (3724 <= self.wave) & (self.wave <= 3733) self.OIItemplate = self.flux[:,isOII] if filename is not None: print(f'INFO: {os.path.basename(filename)} {self}') else: print(f'INFO: {self}') def __str__(self): zmin = round(self._redshifts[0], 4) zmax = round(self._redshifts[-1], 4) return f'{self._rrtype} {self._subtype} {self._method} IGM={self._igm_model} z={zmin}-{zmax}' def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def nbasis(self): return self._nbasis @property def nwave(self): return self._nwave @property def template_type(self): return self._rrtype @property def sub_type(self): return self._subtype @property def full_type(self): """Return formatted fulltype = spectype:::subtype string. """ return make_fulltype(self._rrtype, self._subtype) @property def version(self): return self._version @property def filename(self): return self._filename @property def redshifts(self): return self._redshifts @property def solve_matrices_algorithm(self): """Return a string representing the algorithm to be used in zscan.solve_matrices. Possible values are: PCA NMF Logic can be added here to select a default algorithm based on header keywords etc so that different templates seamlessly use different algorithms. """ return self._method @property def method(self): """ Alias for self.solve_matrices_algorithm, i.e. PCA or NMF """ return self._method @property def igm_model(self): return self._igm_model
[docs] def eval(self, coeff, wave, z, R=None): """Return template for given coefficients, wavelengths, and redshift Args: coeff : array of coefficients length self.nbasis wave : wavelengths at which to evaluate template flux z : redshift at which to evaluate template flux Options: R : array[nwave,nwave] resolution matrix to convolve with model Returns: template flux array Notes: No factors of (1+z) are applied to the resampled flux, i.e. evaluating the same coeffs at different z does not conserve integrated flux, but more directly maps """ coeff = coeff[0:self.nbasis] flux = model = trapz_rebin(self.wave*(1+z), flux, wave) if R is not None: model = return model
[docs]def parse_fulltype(fulltype): """Parse template fulltype into (spectype, subtype) """ fulltype = fulltype.strip() if ':::' in fulltype: spectype, subtype = fulltype.split(':::') else: spectype = fulltype subtype = '' return spectype, subtype
[docs]def make_fulltype(spectype, subtype): """combine (spectype, subtype) into fulltype """ spectype = spectype.strip() if subtype is not None: subtype = subtype.strip() if subtype is not None and subtype != '': fulltype = f'{spectype}:::{subtype}' else: fulltype = spectype return fulltype
[docs]def find_templates(template_path=None): """Return list of Redrock template files `template_path` can be one of 4 things: * path to directory containing template files * path to single template file to use * path to text file listing which template files to use * None (use $RR_TEMPLATE_DIR instead) """ if template_path is None: if 'RR_TEMPLATE_DIR' in os.environ: template_path = os.environ['RR_TEMPLATE_DIR'] else: thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) tempdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(thisdir), 'templates') if os.path.exists(tempdir): template_path = tempdir if template_path is None: raise IOError("ERROR: can't find template_path, $RR_TEMPLATE_DIR, or {rrcode}/templates/") else: print(f'DEBUG: Reading templates from {template_path}') if os.path.isdir(template_path): default_templates_file = f'{template_path}/templates-default.txt' template_dir = template_path elif template_path.endswith('.txt'): if not os.path.exists(template_path): raise ValueError(f'Missing {template_path=}') default_templates_file = template_path template_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(template_path)) elif template_path.endswith( ('.fits', '.fits.gz', '.fits.fz') ): #- single template file, return that as a list return [template_path,] else: raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized {template_path=}') if os.path.exists(default_templates_file): #- New style (Jan 2024): default_templates.txt says which to use template_files = list() with open(default_templates_file) as fx: for line in fx.readlines(): #- Strip comment lines and blank lines line = line.strip() if len(line) < 2 or line.startswith('#'): continue else: filename = line.split()[0] #- allow trailing comments #- support absolute path and relative paths if not line.startswith('/'): filename = f'{template_dir}/{filename}' if os.path.exists(filename): template_files.append(filename) else: raise ValueError(f'missing {filename} given in {default_templates_file}') else: #- Old style: use all templates found in template directory template_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(template_dir, 'rrtemplate-*.fits'))) return template_files
[docs]def header2templatefiles(hdr, template_dir=None): """Derive template filenames from header keywords Args: hdr: dict-like with keys TEMNAMnn+TEMVERnn and/or TEMFILnn Options: template_dir (str): full path to redrock-templates directory Returns list of template filenames, including directory path """ filenames = list() for i in range(100): filekey = f'TEMFIL{i:02d}' typekey = f'TEMNAM{i:02d}' verkey = f'TEMVER{i:02d}' if filekey in hdr: filenames.append( hdr[filekey] ) elif (typekey in hdr) and (verkey in hdr): version = hdr[verkey].strip() spectype, subtype = parse_fulltype(hdr[typekey]) #- special case unversioned STAR templates if version=='unknown': if spectype == 'STAR': version = '0.1' else: raise ValueError(f'unknown version for {spectype=}') #- blank subtype -> None for filename purposes if subtype == '': subtype = None filenames.append(f'rrtemplate-{spectype}-{subtype}-v{version}.fits') #- preprend template directory if template_dir is None: template_dir = os.environ['RR_TEMPLATE_DIR'] filenames = [os.path.join(template_dir, fn) for fn in filenames] return filenames
[docs]def load_templates_from_header(hdr, template_dir=None): """Return templates matching header keywords Args: hdr: dict-like with keys TEMNAMnn+TEMVERnn and/or TEMFILnn Options: template_dir (str): full path to redrock-templates directory Returns list of Template objects """ template_filenames = header2templatefiles(hdr, template_dir=template_dir) return load_templates(template_filenames)
[docs]def load_templates(template_path=None, zscan_galaxy=None, zscan_star=None, zscan_qso=None, asdict=False): """ Return list or dict of Template objects Options: template_path: list of template files, directory, or text file with list of templates zscan_galaxy (str): zmin,zmax,dz redshift range for galaxies zscan_star (str): zmin,zmax,dz redshift range for stars zscan_qso (str): zmin,zmax,dz redshift range for QSOs asdict (bool): return dict keyed by (spectype, subtype) instead of list `template_path` is list of template file paths, or path to provide to find_templates, i.e. a path to a directory with templates, a path to a text file containing a list of templates, a path to a single template file, or None to use $RR_TEMPLATE_DIR instead. Returns: list or dict of Template objects Note: this always returns a list/dict, even if template_path is a path to a single template file. """ if isinstance(template_path, (str, type(None))): template_path = find_templates(template_path) print(f'Reading templates from {template_path}') templates = list() for filename in template_path: tx = Template(filename, zscan_galaxy=zscan_galaxy, zscan_star=zscan_star, zscan_qso=zscan_qso) templates.append(tx) if asdict: templates_dict = dict() for tx in templates: templates_dict[(tx.template_type, tx.sub_type)] = tx return templates_dict else: return templates
[docs]class DistTemplatePiece(object): """One piece of the distributed template data. This is a simple container for storing interpolated templates for a set of redshift values. It is used for communicating the interpolated templates between processes. In the MPI case, each process will store at most two of these simultaneously. This is the data that is computed on a single process and passed between processes. Args: index (int): the chunk index of this piece- this corresponds to the process rank that originally computed this piece. redshifts (array): the redshift range contained in this piece. data (list): a list of dictionaries, one for each redshift, and each containing the 2D interpolated template values for all "wavehash" keys. """ def __init__(self, index, redshifts, data): self.index = index self.redshifts = redshifts = data
[docs]def _mp_rebin_template(template, dwave, zlist, qout, iproc, use_gpu): """Function for multiprocessing version of rebinning. With rebinning now done in batch mode, use process index, iproc to keep track of order of redshifts instead of keying dict by individual redshifts. """ try: #New signature and return type for rebin_template 8/16/22 CW results = rebin_template(template, zlist, dwave, use_gpu=use_gpu) #Wrap in dict keyed by process index so redshifts can be #reassembled in correct order qout.put({ iproc: results }) except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) lines = [ "MP rebin: {}".format(x) for x in lines ] print("".join(lines)) sys.stdout.flush() return
[docs]class DistTemplate(object): """Distributed template data interpolated to all redshifts. For a given template, the redshifts are distributed among the processes in the communicator. Then each process will rebin the template to those redshifts for the wavelength grids specified by dwave. Args: template (Template): the template to distribute dwave (dict): the keys are the "wavehash" and the values are a 1D array containing the wavelength grid. mp_procs (int): if not using MPI, restrict the number of multiprocesses to this. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): (optional) the MPI communicator. use_gpu (bool): (optional) If this process uses GPU gpu_mode (bool): (optional) If ANY process uses GPU - the reason we need both is that in GPU mode, the rebinning of all redshifts is done on all GPUs (redundantly but much faster than using MPI allgather) and no redshifts are done on any CPU only proc. """ def __init__(self, template, dwave, mp_procs=1, comm=None, use_gpu=False, gpu_mode=False): self._comm = comm self._template = template self._dwave = dwave self._comm_rank = 0 self._comm_size = 1 if self._comm is not None: self._comm_rank = self._comm.rank self._comm_size = self._comm.size if (gpu_mode): #If ANY process is in GPU mode, distribute all redshifts to every #GPU process and no redshifts to any CPU process if (use_gpu): myz = self._template.redshifts else: #Create empty _piece myz = np.array([]) data = dict() self._piece = DistTemplatePiece(self._comm_rank, myz, data) return else: #Distribute among CPU processes self._distredshifts = np.array_split(self._template.redshifts, self._comm_size) myz = self._distredshifts[self._comm_rank] # In the case of not using MPI (comm == None), one process is rebinning # all the templates. In that scenario, use multiprocessing # workers to do the rebinning. # Removed MPI vs multiprocessing branch - CW 2/8/23 # faster to just call rebin_template on one proc without using mp.Queue # compute our local redshifts # This will rebin template for all z on either GPU or CPU and # return a dict of three 3-d arrays (nz x nlambda x nbasis) data = rebin_template(self._template, myz, self._dwave, use_gpu=use_gpu) # Correct spectra for Lyman-series for k in list(self._dwave.keys()): #New algorithm accepts all z as an array and returns T, a 2-d # matrix (nz, nlambda) as a cupy or numpy array T = transmission_Lyman(myz,self._dwave[k], use_gpu=use_gpu, always_return_array=False, model=template.igm_model) if (T is None): #Return value of None means that wavelenght regime #does not overlap Lyman transmission - continue here continue #Vectorize multiplication data[k] *= T[:,:,None] self._piece = DistTemplatePiece(self._comm_rank, myz, data) @property def comm(self): return self._comm @property def template(self): return self._template @property def local(self): return self._piece
[docs] def cycle(self): """Pass our piece of data to the next process. If we have returned to our original data, then return True, otherwise return False. Args: Nothing Returns (bool): Whether we have finished (True) else False. """ # If we are not using MPI, this function is a no-op, so just return. if self._comm is None: return True rank = self._comm_rank nproc = self._comm_size to_proc = rank + 1 if to_proc >= nproc: to_proc = 0 from_proc = rank - 1 if from_proc < 0: from_proc = nproc - 1 # Send our data and get a request handle for later checking. req = self._comm.isend(self._piece, to_proc) # Receive our data incoming = self._comm.recv(source=from_proc) # Wait for send to finishself._comm_rank = self._comm.rank req.wait() # Now replace our local piece with the new one self._piece = incoming # Are we done? done = False if self._piece.index == rank: done = True return done
[docs]class ReDistTemplate(DistTemplate): """Distributed template data interpolated to all redshifts. For a given template, the redshifts are distributed among the processes in the communicator. Then each process will rebin the template to those redshifts for the wavelength grids specified by dwave. After rebinning, the full redshift ranges are redistributed to each process in the communicator. Args: template (Template): the template to distribute dwave (dict): the keys are the "wavehash" and the values are a 1D array containing the wavelength grid. mp_procs (int): if not using MPI, restrict the number of multiprocesses to this. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): (optional) the MPI communicator. """ def __init__(self, template, dwave, mp_procs=1, comm=None, use_gpu=False, gpu_mode=False): super().__init__(template, dwave, mp_procs=mp_procs, comm=comm, use_gpu=use_gpu, gpu_mode=gpu_mode) ### This class is now Deprecated as allgather is no longer used. # Each GPU process now rebins all z. return if comm is not None: data = [e for s in comm.allgather( for e in s] self._piece = DistTemplatePiece(0, self.template.redshifts, data) else: raise NotImplementedError("ReDistTemplate not implemented for non-MPI")
[docs] def cycle(self): """This function is a no-op since redshift ranges have been redistributed. Args: Nothing Returns (bool): Always returns True """ # assert len(self.local.redshifts) == len(self.template.redshifts) return True
[docs]def load_dist_templates(dwave, templates=None, comm=None, mp_procs=1, zscan_galaxy=None, zscan_qso=None, zscan_star=None, redistribute=False, use_gpu=False, gpu_mode=False): """Read and distribute templates from disk. This reads one or more template files from disk and distributes them among an MPI communicator. Each process will locally store interpolated data for a redshift slice of each template. For a single redshift, the template is interpolated to the wavelength grids specified by "dwave". As an example, imagine 3 templates with independent redshift ranges. Also imagine that the communicator has 2 processes. This function would return a list of 3 DistTemplate objects. Within each of those objects, the 2 processes store the interpolated data for a subset of the redshift range: DistTemplate #1: zmin1 <---- p0 ----> | <---- p1 ----> zmax1 DistTemplate #2: zmin2 <-- p0 --> | <-- p1 --> zmax2 DistTemplate #3: zmin3 <--- p0 ---> | <--- p1 ---> zmax3 Args: dwave (dict): the dictionary of wavelength grids. Keys are the "wavehash" and values are an array of wavelengths. templates (str or None): if None, find all templates from the redrock template directory. If a path to a file is specified, load that single template. If a path to a directory is given, load all templates in that directory. comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): (optional) the MPI communicator. mp_procs (int): if not using MPI, restrict the number of multiprocesses to this. redistribute (bool): (optional) allgather rebinned templates after distributed rebinning so each process has the full redshift range for the template. Returns dist_templates: a list of DistTemplate objects, sampled at redshifts """ timer = elapsed(None, "", comm=comm) template_dict = None if (comm is None) or (comm.rank == 0): template_dict = load_templates(templates, asdict=True, zscan_galaxy=zscan_galaxy, zscan_star=zscan_star, zscan_qso=zscan_qso) if comm is not None: template_dict = comm.bcast(template_dict, root=0) timer = elapsed(timer, "Read and broadcast of {} templates"\ .format(len(template_dict)), comm=comm) if (use_gpu): import cupy as cp c = cp.ones(1) # Take this timer out of if (use_gpu) block - for reference it hangs # entire code if only some procs call it timer = elapsed(timer, "Creating GPU context", comm=comm) # Compute the interpolated templates in a distributed way with every # process generating a slice of the redshift range. dtemplates = list() for t in template_dict.values(): if redistribute: dtemplate = ReDistTemplate(t, dwave, mp_procs=mp_procs, comm=comm, use_gpu=use_gpu, gpu_mode=gpu_mode) else: dtemplate = DistTemplate(t, dwave, mp_procs=mp_procs, comm=comm, use_gpu=use_gpu, gpu_mode=gpu_mode) dtemplates.append(dtemplate) timer = elapsed(timer, "Rebinning templates", comm=comm) return dtemplates
[docs]def eval_model(data, wave, R=None, templates=None): """Evaluate model spectra. Given a bunch of fits with coefficients COEFF, redshifts Z, and types SPECTYPE, SUBTYPE in data, evaluate the redrock model fits at the wavelengths wave using resolution matrix R. The wavelength and resolution matrices may be dictionaries including for multiple cameras. Args: data (table-like, [nspec]): table with information on each model to evaluate. Must contain at least Z, COEFF, SPECTYPE, and SUBTYPE fields. wave (array [nwave] or dictionary thereof): array of wavelengths in angstrom at which to evaluate the models. R (list of [nwave, nwave] arrays of floats or dictionary thereof): resolution matrices for evaluating spectra. templates (dictionary of Template): dictionary with (SPECTYPE, SUBTYPE) giving the template corresponding to each type. Returns: model fluxes, array [nspec, nwave]. If wave and R are dict, then a dictionary of model fluxes, one for each camera. """ if templates is None: templates = load_templates(asdict=True) #- if wave is a dictionary of wavelength arrays, recursively call #- eval_model to return dictionary of models if isinstance(wave, dict): if R is None: Rdict = {x: None for x in wave} else: if not isinstance(R, dict) or set(R.keys()) != set(wave.keys()): raise ValueError('R must be dict with same keys as wave') Rdict = R out = dict() for key in wave: out[key] = eval_model(data, wave[key], R=Rdict[key], templates=templates) return out models = np.zeros((len(data), len(wave)), dtype='f4') for i in range(len(data)): tx = templates[(data['SPECTYPE'][i], data['SUBTYPE'][i])] coeff = data['COEFF'][i][0:tx.nbasis] z = data['Z'][i] models[i] = tx.eval(coeff, wave, z, R=R[i]) return models